
Monday, December 08, 2008

Maureen warns govt against condemning opposing ideas

Maureen warns govt against condemning opposing ideas
Written by Abigail Chaponda in Ndola
Monday, December 08, 2008 6:03:37 AM

FORMER first lady Maureen Mwanawasa has warned the government against condemning divergent views without properly assessing them. And Maureen has disclosed that she misses her late husband Levy Mwanawasa.

In an interview last Friday, Maureen said criticism was healthy for the development of the nation because it offered diverse ideas that were needed in fostering national development. Maureen said the government should not condemn opposing ideas without properly assessing them.

"Government should embrace opposing views, as civil society and opposition political parties have a duty to speak out on issues of national development, but the kind of opposing views presented should also be of substance," she said.

Maureen advised President Rupiah Banda's government to remain focused and defend their economic vision for Zambia amid criticism from various sectors of society.

She urged all members of the ruling party to support President Banda in his quest to continue the economic emancipation of the country. Maureen said it was too early to judge President Banda saying he should be given chance to work.

Maureen also declared that she was still a member of MMD and that she would remain a member of the party through thick and thin. And Maureen said it had not been easy for her and the family to accept the death of president Mwanawasa.

"Accepting the death of my husband has not been easy for me and my children. I was hoping to grow old with him," she said.

Maureen said late president Mwanawasa looked forward to a day when the ordinary Zambian would start seeing the benefits of the economic gains that the country had posted.

She said the late president's vision in the last phase of his economic plans for the country was to see that ordinary Zambians were no longer subjected to living in abject poverty.

She added that president Mwanawasa also wanted to transform the work culture of the people of Zambia by making them realise that a better life could only be achieved by working hard.

Earlier during a fundraising dinner at Mukuba Hotel organised by the Catholic Women's Organisation from Cathedral Parish in Ndola to raise funds for vulnerable children and the aged, Maureen said Zambia had the capacity to become a regional food basket and that it had the necessary natural and human resources to produce enough food to feed itself and other neighbouring countries.

Maureen said there was need to empower citizens with deliberate pro-poor policies.

She said improving the standards of living for the poor and needy required joint efforts.

Maureen also called for support towards the aged who she said played the primary role of parenting and taking care of the sick instead of enjoying care from their children and grandchildren.

The Maureen Mwanawasa Community Initiative (MMCI) also donated food hampers, clothes, and other commodities to the Catholic diocese.

And Diocese of Ndola Vicar General Fr Raphael Chanda urged people to help the vulnerable in society.

1 comment:

  1. Bravo Maureen! Let's hope that substantive ideas and criticisms will indeed be taken on board based on the merits and not the political pedigree of the source. Thanks for the blog MrK!
