
Thursday, December 04, 2008

Maybin Mubanga accuses Katele of weakening MM

Maybin Mubanga accuses Katele of weakening MM
Written by Katwishi Bwalya
Thursday, December 04, 2008 4:55:23 AM

MMD chairperson for agriculture Maybin Mubanga has accused national secretary Katele Kalumba of weakening the party by making decisions without consulting the National Executive Committee (NEC).

And Mubanga has urged the affected people to ignore the dissolution by Kalumba and remain in their positions until the matter is resolved by the NEC.

Reacting to Kalumba’s dissolution of provincial organs in Luapula Province, Mubanga said NEC members were shocked to hear from the press that Kalumba had dissolved the party’s structures in the province without their knowledge.

“People were surprised by the news of Kalumba dissolving the party organs in Luapula Province because we wonder why that decision was made and if they were any consultations, and people were calling me asking me. I got a call from Mulongoti, Tetamashimba all asking about the news, I’m a NEC member myself and I was not consulted on the matter,” Mubanga said.

Mubanga said such acts would weaken the party both at provincial and at national levels and called for consultations among NEC members. He said MMD members in Luapula Province had rejected Kalumba’s decision.

“I have since asked the party officials in Luapula Province to ignore the decision by our national secretary until the matter is resolved by NEC, which is a supreme body for the party, because such acts will only weaken the party,” he said.

Mubanga said MMD organs in the province have since protested to NEC over Kalumba’s decision to dissolve them. They sent a letter yesterday protesting against Kalumba and asked NEC to rescind the dissolution.

And Mubanga said the recent happenings in MMD were a clear sign that President Rupiah Banda should take up the position of party president on an acting basis.

“It seems there is no order in the party and anyone can do whatever they want. So there is need for the President to assume the role of acting party president so that he can control people in the party,” he said.

Mubanga said failure by President Banda to assume the role of acting party president would make it hard for him to rule.

“When the President assumes the role of party president, it will even be easy for him to control people and not what we are seeing now,” said Mubanga.

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