
Monday, December 15, 2008

Nalubamba urges govt to involve chiefs in development planning

Nalubamba urges govt to involve chiefs in development planning
Written by Gillian Namungala in Namwala
Monday, December 15, 2008 5:04:28 AM

THERE can never be any tangible development in the country as long as the government does not engage chiefs, Mbeza Royal Establishment chairman senior chief Nalubamba has said.

Speaking during a sitting by the establishment to discuss its rural development plan, chief Nalubamba said as long as chiefs were left out, the country would not attain any meaningful development.

Chief Nalubamba, who bemoaned the lack of flow of information between chiefs and the government, said the chiefs had no contacts with government officials.

“Some of the chiefs and subjects do not even know their MPs. How do you expect them to have access to information on what developmental projects are taking place in their areas?” he asked.

“Why is it difficult for these ministers to travel to chiefdoms to share and exchange views on development?”

Chief Nalubamba said it would be easy to implement projects if government officials could sit to listen to the problems affecting their areas.

“I told President Rupiah Banda to visit chiefs and explain his plan for this country. Knowledge is power and we need it, so let them spare time to visit areas than spending time on cell phones,” he said.

And senior headman Mark Mutonga said chiefs should stay in politics permanently.

Mutonga said it was unfortunate for politicians to refuse chiefs from participating in politics when it was chiefs that brought independence.

“During colonial times the whites found chiefs here and not politicians; even MPs are supposed to be under us because we are the owners of the land,” he said.

And at the same discussion professor of human rights Michelo Hansungule said it was unfair for chiefs not to be allowed in politics because they were the ones who started them.

“It is there on paper that chiefs were the first ones to be involved in politics as they were very much involved in getting independence,” said Prof Hansungule.

And Prof Hansungule has urged people to demand development.

He said development was a human right which the government should give to the people.

And Women for Change (WFC) Central Province facilitator Chris Chingelengele also stressed the need for chiefs to be involved in politics if rural areas were to develop.

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