
Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Nigeria’s foreign minister raises concern over natural disasters

Nigeria’s foreign minister raises concern over natural disasters
Written by Gillian Namungala
Monday, December 08, 2008 11:42:38 PM

NIGERIA’S minister of state for foreign affairs Bagudu Hirse has said the destruction brought about by disasters has tremendous setback on economic growth and development.

Donating US$250,000 (approximately K1.2 billion) cash and various materials which included blankets, cooking oil and mealie-meal worth over K200 million to the Zambian government, Hirse said scarce resources had to be redirected from capital investments to relief and emergency operations.

He said Nigeria, like Zambia, was concerned and worried about the world food crisis and the global financial meltdown.

“We are concerned about the possible effect it will have on the million of our people who are already ravaged by poverty, hunger, HIV/AIDS, Malaria and Tuberculosis,” he said.

Hirse said the destruction of farmland, crops, and livestock by floods during the last rainy season was a great concern to Nigeria because of the seriousness and negative implication on the attainment of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

“It is our belief that with cooperation and collaboration between and amongst African countries, we will be able to overcome the challenges posed by natural and other disasters,” he said.

Hirse also commended the Zambian government for adopting the Public Private Partnership (PPP) initiative.

“We in Nigeria adopted the PPP few years ago and it is working very well in providing solution to infrastructural development,” he said.

Hirse said Nigeria was ready to share her experiences with Zambia and other African countries in implementing the PPP.

And receiving the donation Vice-President George Kunda said Zambia and Nigeria shared a common vision of a strong Africa that would be able to solve its own problems and find solutions to challenges facing the continent.

He noted the increased Nigerian investment into Zambia citing Access Bank as one of the investments.

Vice-President Kunda said the two countries had enjoyed cordial relations and the relation had been given a further boost through the donation.

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