Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Nkana Water in need of US $120 million

Nkana Water in need of US $120 million
Written by Chiwoyu Sinyangwe
Tuesday, December 30, 2008 1:23:51

NKANA Water and Sewerage Company (NWSC) needs over US $120 million for the improvement of its infrastructure to cope with the existing and increasing demand for water supply and sewerage services.

In an interview, managing director Diana Makwaba also acknowledged the challenges that rapidly expanding towns such as Kitwe, Kalulushi and Chambishi were putting on the water utility.

Last week, the government contracted a US $57 million loan from African Development Bank (AfDB) on behalf of the water utility for improvement of water reticulation to the areas supplied by NWSC.

Makwaba said dilapidated and overloaded infrastructure was one of the factors affecting the smooth operation of the company and the provision of quality services.

She also said the investment was necessary to improve service delivery and place the company on the path to self-sustainability.

"This loan by the African Development Bank will greatly assist us to quickly rehabilitate and expand a substantial part of our infrastructure and in turn help us achieve sustainable service provision,” Makwaba said.

“As a company, we remain committed to the attainment of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) by ensuring that a larger part of our population have access to clean water whilst at the same extend our water reticulation network to dry areas, peri-urban and new residential areas."

And Makwaba commended the government for contracting the loan on behalf of the NWSC, saying that this clearly demonstrated the government’s commitment to improving water and sanitation provision to its people.

“We greatly appreciate this financial support which, no doubt, substantially augments our own efforts directed towards service delivery improvement to all our customers,” said Makwaba.

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