
Sunday, December 07, 2008

(NYASATIMES) Police obtain warrant of arrest for Gwanda

COMMENT - I wonder if Malawi will come under sanctions to effect 'regime change' because of oppression of the opposition.

Police obtain warrant of arrest for Gwanda
Josh Ashaz
07 December, 2008 07:02:00

Malawi security forces have obtained a warrant of arrest for opposition politician Gwanda Chakuamba to interrogate him on remarks which he made on a public rally in Nkhotakota recently.

Police sources told Nyasa Times that CID officers have been dispatched to effect arrest on Chakuamba who has been addressing meetings in the northern region.

“He will be taken to Nkhotakota for interrogations on allegations that he make remarks that could likely cause breach of peace,” said a police source.

But when telephoned, Chakuamba said from Karonga Sunday evening that he was not cowed of any arrest.

“I am in Karonga now, if they want to arrest me the know where to get me. I cannot go in hiding,” said the president of New Republican Party (NRP).

“I am already on bail. I was arrested in 2005 for remarks which I made in Ndirande at a public rally but since then I have not been in court,” said Chakuamba.

He was referring to an arrest after he called President Bingu wa Mutharika a “drunk and brute” who he saved as Agriculture Minister and vice president of ruling DPP.

“I do not fear arrest. They can arrest opposition leaders, do this and that but the dictatorial regime of Mutharika are out by next May after polls,” he said.

Malawi News publication reported that Chakuamba had told a rally in Nkhotakota that Malawians should attack people of Lomwe tribe which President Mutharika has been accused of promoting naked tribalism through Mulhako wa Alhomwe group.

But Chakuamba who has addressed 23 rallies in the central region and 12 meeting in the north for the past two weeks said he never incited violence.

“I told a rally in Nkhotakota that Mutharika who is a Lomwe knowing that he is losing next year’s elections has started this Malakhwe (Mulakho) wa Alomwe to woo his tribesmen for votes and I said that is bad because it will create tribal conflict in the country.

“I told the people that [Dr Bakili] Muluzi who ruled Malawi from 1994 to 2004 never created a Mulakho wa Yao not even Ngwazi Dr Banda. He never established a Mulakho for the Chewa’s and Mutharikha wants to politicize his tribe, that is very bad,” said Chakuamba.

“Malawians have lived as one Malawi nation and not one superior Mulakho,” he said.

The veteran politician said he was also cautioning the Lomwes that Mutharika was putting them in bad relations with other tribes.

The Lomwe heritage group claims to revive, preserve and promote Ahlomwe culture and traditions and assist government in harnessing culture as a powerful tool for social/economic emancipation but has been politically campaigning for a Lomwe President.

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