
Saturday, December 27, 2008

(NYASATIMES) Political fragments

Political fragments
27 December, 2008 03:40:00

Coalition is perhaps the one thing that every political party is in favour of. In fact, you rarely, if ever, hear anyone speaking against it.

Furthermore, coalition has been something of a ‘hot’ topic in Malawian politics for many years, MCP/AFORD, UDF/AFORD; these strong coalitions have existed in the past.

For the May, 2009 General and Presidential elections, UDF is in coalition with the New Republican Party (NRP), Malawi Democratic Party (MDP), Malawi Democratic Union (MDU), Maravi Peoples Party (MPP) and CODE.

What is the rationale for the UDF going into partnership with these parties? Makosana, let us be serious, this is our country, any mishap because of these coalitions will affect us as citizens of Malawi. Who is riding on whose back in this UDF alliance?

“You don’t go into a coalition without making a concession yourself, there are things you lose by going into a coalition and there are things you gain in retain for the things you have lost”, Samson Lembani, a Lilongwe based political analysts once told Capital Radio FM.

As Malawians, we, the Timau Crew, would like to hear from the UDF leadership, if according to Lembani, UDF did make a concession and know what they will gain from the said coalition.

Is UDF not breeding problems for itself? How many people will they appease in case they win in the May, 2009 elections? We can foresee a problem here.

Look at the constituencies, Who will give space to who, MDU/MDP/MPP/CODE or a UDF candidate?

Will Brown Mpinganjira, George Mtafu, Friday Jumbe, sacrifice a constituency for an MDP/MDU/MPP/CODE candidate?

The truth here is, the Presidential candidate is Acheya, and UDF MPs will automatically qualify, why the coalition? Breeding trouble?

“Coalitions are very costly, at least experience of Malawi, is that they have not brought about the envied and desired out come”, adds Samson Lembani.

The Timau Crew feels that, some coalitions do not add value to a political party’s life.


Kamlepo Kalua is a very courageous man. He is the President of the Malawi Democratic Party, coalition partners with UDF.

It will be very unfortunate, for Malawians not to mention Kamlepo Kalua, when talking about change from one party dictatorship.

The one thing that has forced us to remember him today, is his loss of direction.

Up until when will Kalua remain “ntchire” (bush)?

During the Kamuzu Banda regime, Kamlepo was in the ‘bush’. Come Bakili Muluzi, analowa “ntchire”

Now, there is Bingu, Kamlepo is still in the "bush".

He castigates every government that comes in power, and has secrets to reveal for all controlling officers including the President, but he never tells us. What nonsense!

If UDF wins in May, 2009, and Kamlepo sidelined, expect nothing short of Kamlepo Kalua going into the ‘bush’ again.

Its high time Kamlepo made up his mind. Political issues look small but can cause many problems; do you remember the Rwanda genocide? You never know what a frustrated kamlepo will do; bearing in mind that he likes mentioning the word “bush”. "Ndilowa ntchire", that is his language.

The Timau Crew is appealing to some wise Malawians, to counsel comrade Kalua, “achokemo ntchire pulizi!” (Help him to get out of the bush please).


The Crew is appealing to all those who defected from UDF to DPP to practice politics of maturity.

We are looking at eventualities here. In case of a DPP loss in the May, 2009 elections, we want DPP gurus to do two things, Get out of politics and keep quite like, “the great” Robson Watayachanga Chirwa,former MCP administrative secretary, who waved bye bye to politics when MCP lost on 17 May, 1994.

Alternatively, remain with DPP in the opposition. Not Mitu Biiiiii (to borrow Kamuzu Banda's phrase) in UDF again. We, Malawians, want mature politics in our country.

The following should be exemplary and we know they will be; Dr. Ken Lipenga, Henry Dama Phoya, Joyce Banda, Henry Mussa, Chimunthu Banda, Patricia Annie Kaliati, Dr. George Chaponda, Clement Khembo, Annie kachikho,Malenga and the list goes on and on.

Tilipasi kuno, tikuti (we are on our knees saying), “we want real politicians, and not fortune seekers”.


To learn that no ruling DPP officials were present at Mary Kaphwereza Banda's funeral, raises some questions. What tolerance levels do we have in our democracy?

It seems, in Malawi, multiparty politics has another meaning.

People of opposing views are perceived as enemies.

We, The Timau Crew, believe that government and the opposition are partners in development.

Moreover, Mary Kaphwereza Banda was not only a senior politician but one of the very few women who advocated for change in Malawi, above all, she was an education driver as well. She complimented government’s efforts in promoting good quality education through the schools she owned.

Once again, this is the type of a person Malawi Government decided to shun her funeral because she belonged to the opposition.

What a shame!!!

Sembegondwe ***

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