Sunday, December 21, 2008

(NYASATIMES) ‘There is no maize in Malawi’

‘There is no maize in Malawi’
By Praise Liomba 20 December, 2008 01:15:00

A serious food crisis in Malawi

Former Head of State, Dr. Bakili Muluzi, why returning from his private visit in the United Kingdom on Saturday has asked the government of President Bingu Wa Mutharika to quickly that there is an acute shortage of food in most parts of the country, in order to save so many lives.

Muluzi said it was a clear indication of lack of consideration towards the welfare of people for Mutharika to continue playing down reports of hunger from across the country.

"We have no maize in this country. Government should admit that we have an acute maize shortage, before so many lives are lost. We have a serious crisis in this country in as far as food insecurity is concerned. We need to address this problem of food shortage," said Muluzi.

On the distribution of coupons for the subsidized fertilizer, Muluzi said the success of the initiative was being overshadowed by corruption in the Mutharika administration.

"His own ministers are derailing the success of the programme. But he is unable to take an action on them. This is a clear manifestation of how grave corruption is in the current administration," said Muluzi in apparent reference to Mutharika's admission recently that some cabinet ministers had pocketed 50,000 coupons.

The country's media has been awash with stories of hunger in some parts of the country. But government has dismissed them as 'political".

The Deputy Minister of Agriculture, Frank Mwenefumbo told the press recently that the country has stocked maize enough to cater for any dry spell.

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