
Monday, December 08, 2008

PF instructs councillors to vote for Chikwelete

PF instructs councillors to vote for Chikwelete
Written by Constance Matongo
Monday, December 08, 2008 5:19:01 PM

OPPOSITION PF has instructed its councillors in Lusaka to vote for Robert Chikwelete for mayor and Daniel Chisenga as his deputy. Chikwelete and Chisenga are councillors for John Howard ward 3 and Mulungushi ward 18 respectively.

In a letter dated December 6 addressed to PF councillors, party secretary general Edward Mumbi encouraged them to rally behind the adopted councillors so that they would emerge victorious.

“Anyone who will defy the resolution of the caucus meeting which was confirmed by the party leadership will face disciplinary sanctions,” stated Mumbi.

He stated that all those interested in the positions of mayor and deputy mayor for Lusaka should not campaign because Chikwelete and Chisenga had filled the two positions.

“We wish to inform all those concerned and interested in the two positions that despite the postponement of the elections for the positions of mayor and deputy mayor by the Honourable Minister of Local Government and Housing to a later date, the party’s position has not changed and there should be no campaigns within the party for the two positions,” read Mumbi’s letter in part.

And Chikwelete said some councilors who opposed his candidature on the ground that he was imposed on them had no better reason to oppose him because he was adopted after going through elections.

“We had elections and I got 10 points together with councillor [George] Nyendwa. We then went for a re-run and I got 14 votes and my colleague Nyendwa got 12 votes. That is why am saying it is not true that I have been imposed on the people because I went through a democratic process of elections,” said Chikwelete.

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