
Friday, December 12, 2008

Red Cross acquires flood management kits

Red Cross acquires flood management kits
Written by Kelvin Tembo
Friday, December 12, 2008 4:15:15 AM

THE Zambia Red Cross Society (ZRCS) has acquired flood management kits worth over K122 million in anticipation of floods this rainy season.

In an interview yesterday, ZRCS public relations manager James Zulu said the society was ready to respond to any humanitarian needs that would arise as a result of floods.

“We have acquired the kits worth US $25,000 for flood preparation and the equipment is already in the country,” Zulu said.

He said the kits comprised shelter materials, water purification chemicals to avoid any water-bone diseases, water storage containers, emergency sanitation materials, kitchenware and cutlery.

Zulu said also access extra water sanitation kits for about 10,000 people would be available within 48 hours from the regional office in South Africa.

He said the kits included water treatment materials, sanitation materials and hygiene education materials for sensitisation among flood victims.

Zulu said ZRCS staff had been trained from Namibia on how to use the kits so that they could quickly respond to emergencies, as that was part of the contingency plan revised for the 2008/2009 flood management strategy.

Zulu said ZRCS was working in partnership with the government and other agencies such as the United Nations and some NGOs.

The meteorological department has predicted that there is a likelihood of floods during this rainy season.

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