
Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Sikazwe urges formulation of sector codes

Sikazwe urges formulation of sector codes
Written by Nchima Nchito
Wednesday, December 24, 2008 3:23:47 PM

(CEEC) chairperson Jacob Sikazwe has criticised the lack of participation by the various industries in developing sector codes.

Speaking at a CEEC press briefing yesterday, Sikazwe said the commission would face difficulties in achieving its goals without the sector codes.

“Sectors must know that the development of sector codes is a requirement by law and therefore they should comply,” Sikazwe said. “I wish to emphasise that there is no option but for sectors to comply and begin to formulate their sector codes.”

Sikazwe said so far, only the Zambia National Farmers Union (ZNFU) had advanced in terms of finalising sector codes for the agricultural sector.

And Sikazwe announced the commission’s intentions to empower the small traders and marketeers. Sikazwe revealed that the initiative had begun and the commission was currently in the process of evaluating an application from a Lusaka-based market association.

“This association has applied for a loan which is to be used to finance its membership credit requirements ranging from K200,000 as a minimum loan requirement to about K2.5 million as a maximum,” he said.

Sikazwe said through the initiative which is expected to be launched on January 10, 2009, the commission was targeting at least 6,200 marketeers.

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