
Sunday, December 14, 2008

(TALKZIMBABWE) 'McGee secretly met President Mugabe'

COMMENT - If the Zimbabwean economy was brought down by 'mismanagement', why would George Bush offer the architect of it's economic policies the position of Senior Vice President at the World Bank? The MDC/UK/USA are talking out of both sides of their mouths. Echoes of Confessions Of An Economic Hitman by John Perkins.

'McGee secretly met President Mugabe'
Our reporter
Sat, 13 Dec 2008 21:45:00 +0000

THE United States Ambassador to Zimbabwe, James McGee recently met with President Mugabe, although he pretends to the world that he has only met him once at the presentation of his credentials, The Sunday Mail reports. According to the paper, the meeting was facilitated by Reserve Bank Governor, Dr. Gideon Gono.

“Dr. Gono said Mr McGee had turned the American Embassy into ‘a nerve centre of rumour-mongering’ despite the fact that he had the opportunity to get first-hand information about developments in the country from the President,” reports the paper.

The revelation is said to have come from Dr Gono’s recently published book, “Casino Economy” in which he calls McGee “reckless and irresponsible”.

Gono is quoted as saying Ambassador McGee was grateful for having the opportunity to meet President Mugabe and learn first hand the situation on the ground – a meeting that none of the Western ambassadors have had the opportunity to have.

“He seemed grateful about that given that he was the first and only ambassador from the powerful Western countries to have such an opportunity in a long time,” Dr. Gono was quoted as saying.

"I have no idea what he and President Mugabe discussed in their private meeting, but McGee seems to have been happy and satisfied with it although subsequently I was surprised and disappointed to see and hear him pretend to the public that he had never met with President Mugabe except when he presented his credentials.

"My disappointment deepened when McGee started making direct and strident personal attacks on President Mugabe which sounded to me as orders given to him from Washington because I had first-hand information that he knew better and that he had had access to President Mugabe which he could develop and use constructively," wrote Dr Gono.

Dr Gono also claims that on July 25, 2008 he was approached by Ambassador McGee with an offer by US President George W. Bush to become Senior Vice President at the World Bank.

". . . I was both humbled and surprised to get an approach from Ambassador McGee on 25 July 2008 with an offer which he said was from President George Bush and Secretary (of State) Condoleezza Rice and the President of the World Bank for me to take a position in Washington as a Senior Vice-President of the World Bank."

Besides the job at the World Bank, Dr Gono was also offered a job at the African Development Bank also as a Senior Vice-President by the American government.

According to the Sunday Mail, Dr. Gono’s book is already sold out. 5 000 copies have been ordered and is being sold in Zimbabwe, South Africa, West and East Africa, United Kingdom and the US.

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