
Friday, December 05, 2008

(TALKZIMBABWE) Msika breaks silence about PF Zapu

Msika breaks silence about PF Zapu
Sunday News/Zim Guardian
Fri, 05 Dec 2008 00:17:00 +0000

VICE-PRESIDENT Joseph Msika has distanced himself from claims by sections of the media that he was leading the revival of PF Zapu together with former Zipra supremo Dumiso Dabengwa.

Msika said that he was insulted by the invitation to address a Zipra meeting at White City Stadium on December 1, which was meant to revive PF Zapu.

He said the invitation was meant to trap him to make a statement and soon after the attendees to the meeting would declare a pullout from the 1987 Unity Accord signed by Zanu PF and PF Zapu.

Msika said resigned provincial chairperson, Mr Mcleod Tshawe, had something to do with the plan to “trap” him.

“They wanted to trap me at White City. Tshawe was part of the breakaway. I had requested that the meeting be taken to this hall (Davies Hall). He did not listen when I said I don’t want to address them at White City. He was part of the deadwood – part of the non-participators in the Unity Accord.

“They are ex-combatants, yes, but they never participated in unity. They wanted me to go to White City Stadium so that after that they make a statement that they have pulled out of the Unity Accord led by Msika,” the Vice-President said.

Msika also spoke about Dabengwa’s claims that he was never part of Zanu PF and that he has always been “PF Zapu in Zanu PF”.

“Dabengwa amazes me when he says he never agreed with the Unity Accord. He was the Minister of Home Affairs in this same Government. Those who want to follow Dabengwa must follow him,” he said.

Msika said the reason to join Zanu PF in a unity deal was taken by all PF-Zapu structures.

“Zapu sat down as an organisation, the Zapu executive council, and central committee called the Zapu Congress, which included the whole country.

“They were put there by the congress and you cannot remove people from there,” he said.

Cde Msika said efforts to revive PF Zapu were based on ignorance of what the party stood for.

“You don’t just get the name PF Zapu. We were pierced by thorns, healed each other and trudged on. We stayed in prisons. I stayed in prison for 20 years although I was not a cattle thief. That is what Zapu means,” he said.

Msika, who in his slogan emphasised that, “phambili nge Zanu le Zapu,” narrated the history of the liberation struggle and noted how PF Zapu always been united with Zanu PF as the Patriotic Front PF.

“Zapu is not a joke or a party to play with. It is the child of the African National Congress, a big organisation that included all Zimbabweans. Whoever was not in Zapu at that time was a sell out. I always meet some of the people and they have positions and influence now. They are the people who are disturbing us. I am challenging you to get into the structures and work with the leadership.

“Zapu is not a Bulawayo party. It is not a Ndebele party, it is not a Shona party, it is not a Kalanga party, and it is not a Venda party. It belongs to the whole nation. (Late Vice President Joshua) Nkomo was elected by the whole nation. Jason (Moyo), Lazarus Nkala, Chambati, Musarurwa, were those Mandebeles?” he said.

He said Zanu PF is the only authentic liberation movement that came out of the merger of Zanu PF and PF-Zapu.

“Nkomo has told me that I think by the pulse of my heart. He said it was true that Zanu PF broke away from us PF-Zapu and we all know how we felt about it then but we had to give it to them because they had fought hard. We must be able to see beyond our nose,” he said.

He said of all the leaders in Joshua Nkomo’s ANC, he was the only one left and therefore felt he had a responsibility to protect unity among revolutionaries.

“I thank God and the ancestors because they have a reason to keep me and because of that, I will not look aside as the party is prostituted. There is no prostitution in the party; the party has a policy and a document that it follows.

“If you admire the past revolutionaries then you must be more revolutionary than Joshua Nkomo. Most of you are counter revolutionaries, sellouts, surrogates and renegades. These are bad names,” he said.

Msika saluted President Mugabe’s resoluteness in the revolution.

“Between me and Mugabe I must tell you that he visited me at Marondera prison from Ghana and told me that he will commit himself to the struggle like I had done so far. He told me to be strong and he has joined us up to today,” he said.

The Vice president said there was need for political education within the party.

“After restructuring there is need for political education. You have to teach people how to be committed. There is a lot of literature on that. Party members need to learn to put the nation and the party before self interests,” he said.

He said he was aware of allegations that there were people who were going around vote buying ahead of the Provincial Committee elections.

“We have been destroyed by money. I understand there are some people paying rent for others,” he said.

He challenged members in Bulawayo to stop being rude and pretend as if the revolution does not belong to them too, but claim their role in the politics of Zimbabwe.

“We are not apologetic about the revolution. It does not belong to the people in Harare. You are a factor, you are not asking from anyone to participate in this. The revolution started at Stanley Square (at Makokoba) and that is not debatable. It is a historic fact that cannot be disputed. People in Bulawayo should stand up and be counted. Ask for your share of the cake,” he said.

Sunday News/Zim Guardian

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