
Thursday, December 04, 2008

(TALKZIMBABWE) Parliament should convene urgently to tackle crises

Parliament should convene urgently to tackle crises
Msekiwa Makwanya – Opinion
Thu, 04 Dec 2008 02:11:00 +0000

ZIMBABWE is at that point in history where the old Quaker proverb, “It is better to light a single candle than to curse the darkness” is very instructive. There is no credit for describing crises without solving them or doing something practical. There many people with PhDs on the Zimbabwe crisis, we even have an organisation called Crisis in Zimbabwe Coalition, yet the situation is even getting out of hand. It is better to light a single candle than to curse the darkness.

In times like these Margaret Mead, an anthropologist reminds us that, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has”.

The few MDC MPs who will make it into the Government of National Unity (GNU) will make a great difference. these MPs will at least light a single candle and make a difference, rather than complain about things getting worse. It is advisable for them to join the GNU, rather than describe the situation from the side lines. It is better to light a single candle than curse the darkness. As Zimbabweans we should set aside our differences and confront our challenges together. The Zimbabwean crisis is a multi-layered crisis and requires a multitude of interventions.

The appeal to the international community for help is a step in the right direction, but a misplaced priority. Our challenges require some creativity, imagination, and initiative.

At this stage, it important for Zimbabweans to realize that it does not make much sense to ask the world to help us to deal with our crises when we are not showing any sense of urgency to convene our Parliament and set up a substantive GNU to confront these crises. Why should Zimbabweans deserve more help than the Congolese or the Sudanese when they are not showing any urgency to form a substantive government?

It is high time Parliament convened and agreed on a process to allow constitutional provisions to fast track the passing of Constitutional Amendment Number 19 into law, so that MDC leaders, Morgan Tsvangirai and Arthur Mutambara take up their places in the GNU and start helping in the management of the crises and save lives.

Zimbabwe is not a special case and it makes no sense to go around the world asking for help when we are not ready to set aside our differences and work together. The world does not agree on how to confront the Zimbabwe crises. We have seen this at Sadc, the AU and the UN and nothing will change unless we change our attitude and approach.

It is clear that there is no “one best way” to solve the multi-layered Zimbabwean crises which are caused by governance issues and unhelpful economic sanctions mainly by the United States and Europe.

There is no point in trying to discuss whether sanctions or governance issues are the cause of our suffering because it is like the "egg and chicken debate" - it does not end.
The point is that Zimbabweans are suffering because of both sanctions and governance issues and these should be addressed. Delaying the formation of the GNU is causing further and unnecessary harm.

The blame game will not help Zimbabwe unless either party can show that what they are doing is helping the situation.

We have to realize that Zimbabwe does not operate in a vacuum and the environment is changing fast. Sadc has strongly recommended that a GNU be formed in Zimbabwe and the Ministry of Home Affairs be co-managed by Zanu PF and the MDC-T parties. This is not thought to be the best solution, but one that has to be a chance for now.

In essence, this decision means that Zanu PF and the MDC-T have to agree on decisions and policies in this ministry like in any other ministry.

It has to be clear that what Zimbabwe needs are not handouts, but capacity to do things for ourselves.

We have our resources in terms of minerals like diamonds and gold, tourism facilities and a large Diaspora skills base and market, so the only aid we need for now is the humanitarian aid to address the urgent needs of hunger and disease.

This will work best if the political consensus that comes with the GNU is obtained. Any further delay to form the GNU will constitute culpability and complicity for whatever reason.

There is a reckless saying that, "In every struggle there are causalities." That does not exonerate those responsible and it does not mean that it is right for any person to die. We need a struggle where all Zimbabweans will be winners, a win-win outcome.

It is therefore important for the world to encourage Zimbabweans to set aside their differences and give the GNU a chance as soon as possible. Anything else will divide us and cause more suffering.

The critics of the GNU tend to wrongly compare the GNU and the Unity Accord of 1987 signed by Zanu PF and PF Zapu. It is common cause that in 1987 Zanu PF and PF Zapu became one as a party. In the GNU, the parties will remain distinct entities. I do not believe that comparing different political situations will help Zimbabwe.

In conclusion, I prefer to quote Admiral Lord Nelson on the eve of the Battle of Trafalgar on October 20, 1805. He said, “…now that we have decided why it cannot be done, let us determine how it will be done”.

The Zimbabwe Diaspora Interface believes that we can do it together through consensus and non-partisanship.

[Msekiwa Makwanya is the current co-ordinator of the Zimbabwe Diaspora Development Interface - a Think Tank aimed at mobilizing the Diaspora to make a meaningful contribution to the development in Zimbabwe]

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