
Thursday, December 04, 2008

(TALKZIMBABWE) Soros is the new Cecil Rhodes, Tsvangirai is the agent: LaRouche

Soros is the new Cecil Rhodes, Tsvangirai is the agent: LaRouche
Our reporter
Wed, 03 Dec 2008 23:37:00 +0000

ECONOMIST and former candidate for President of the United States, Lyndon LaRouche has labelled the Movement for Democratic Change leader Morgan Tsvangirai as a "British stooge" who was being aided in his efforts to become President of Zimbabwe by this century's "new Cecil Rhodes", George Soros.

Commenting on the recent letter written by former South African President, Thabo Mbeki to Tsvangirai which he called "refreshingly blunt", LaRouche said George Soros was through his Open Society Institute trying to effect regime changes in the Southern African region.

He added that Soros was working in cohorts with the British Government and Tsvangirai was the unwitting agent of that regime change agenda.

"Mbeki's refreshingly, blunt comments come from a knowledge, shared among some African leaders, of the role that the British, and their agent George Soros, through his Open Society Institute and its various threats to orchestrate regime changes throughout Sub-Saharan Africa," said LaRouche.

He added that Soros has become "the new face of British Imperialism" in Southern Africa.

"It is time to say, and should now be said, that after approximately 120 years since Cecil Rhodes began his exploits in Southern Africa, George Soros has become the new face of British Imperialism in Africa."

LaRouche is a well respected economist who has among other things, predicted the U.S. recession of the 1950s, the collapse of the British pound during November 1967, the dollar crisis of January-March 1968 and the break-up of the Bretton Woods agreements beginning Aug. 15, 1971.

Recently LaRouche claimed that the British Intelligence was behind the Mumbai massacre and that the British will attempt to assasinate U.S. President-elect Barack Obama.

LaRouche neatly ties the operations in Mumbai with activities in Sub-Saharan Africa and claims that this is part of a wider British imperial agenda.

"This (Mumbai massacre) is clearly a British imperial operation. It is the same thing as the deployments of George Soros, who is a British agent, and Lord Malloch Brown," he claims.

"The latter, it should be remembered is Minister of State for Asia as well as Africa and the UN. It is a global British imperial operation, as further evidenced by Soros deployments in Ibero America, Soros's call upon Prime Minister Gordon Brown and the European Union to deploy to send one or more of its `rapid response' battlegroup units" into the Congo, etc."

"George Soros himself was just recently in Pakistan, where he led a delegation of the Open Society Institute in a meeting with Pakistani President Zardari," added LaRouche.

Rhodesian-born Lord Malloch Brown has openly called for regime change in Zimbabwe. He was instrumental in tabling Zimbabwe onto the U.N. Security Council earlier this year. He told the House of Lords in July this year that "this regime (President Mugabe's) ... must be brought to an end as soon as possible."

LaRouche was a candidate for the Democratic Party nomination for U.S. President. Russian economist Stanislav Menshikov described LaRouche as being "among those few economists who look at the root causes, and therefore see what others cannot see."

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