
Thursday, December 18, 2008

(TALKZIMBABWE) Text: Motlanthe on Zim crisis appeal

Text: Motlanthe on Zim crisis appeal
Thu, 18 Dec 2008 05:01:00 +0000

THE following are remarks by South African President Kgalema Motlanthe during a media briefing on the SADC Humanitarian Assistance to Zimbabwe and the DRC

17 December 2008

SADC has welcomed the publication, on 13 December 2008, of Amendment 19 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe which paved the way for the establishment of an inclusive government in terms of the Global Political Agreement signed on 15 September 2008.

SADC urges the Zimbabwean political parties to expedite the formation of an all-inclusive government and thereby enable the country to deal with the challenges facing its people.

Over the past few days, as the chairperson of SADC, I have consulted with the heads of state in the SADC Troika to canvass their support for SADC to take urgent action to attend to the humanitarian crises in Zimbabwe and in the Democratic republic of Congo.

As you all are aware, Zimbabwe is facing serious humanitarian challenges characterised by acute food shortages and the recent outbreak of cholera.

In the Democratic Republic of Congo, hundreds of thousands of people have been displaced in the eastern part of the country as a result of the recent conflict.

The heads of state representing the SADC Troika agree that the situation in both countries requires immediate response from SADC member states consistent with the SADC Treaty which calls for a determination “to ensure, through common action, the progress and well-being of the people of Southern Africa”.

In this regard, the SADC Troika has decided, in accordance with Article 9(6) (a) of the Treaty, to launch an urgent international campaign to mobilise financial and material resources for the people of Zimbabwe in order to help them overcome the challenges facing their country.

It is expected that SADC countries should contribute to this campaign within their available resources.

Against this background, a South African government delegation together with the representative of the executive secretary of SADC undertook a visit to Zimbabwe on 08 December 2008 to consult with stakeholders on the modalities of attending to the humanitarian challenges facing the country.

It was evident during the consultations, that in order to carry out an effective assistance programme, a non-partisan co-ordinating mechanism would have to be established.

The SADC Troika accepted the recommendation of the delegation that a mechanism named Zimbabwe Humanitarian and Development Assistance Framework (ZHDAF) be formed to manage SADC’s humanitarian assistance to the people of Zimbabwe.

The ZHDAF will comprise government, international multilateral organisations, religious groups, agricultural unions and other role players. It will be responsible for among other things identifying deserving beneficiaries, elimination of duplication of initiatives and monitoring of the delivery of the humanitarian programme.

A SADC-wide monitoring mechanism comprising representatives of member states, agricultural bodies, religious groups and heads of SADC diplomatic missions based in Harare will also be established to evaluate and assess the work of the ZDAF.

We are heartened by the call by the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Mr. Ban-Ki Moon, at the UN Security Council on 15 December, 2008 that: “A first step must be to insist on the immediate formation of a government of National unity.” and “It is particularly crucial for the Government, donors, UN agencies, NGO’s and regional actors to work together to effectively implement a humanitarian aid programme to prevent a major catastrophe, and reduce loss of life.”

Regarding the humanitarian situation in the DRC, the SADC Extraordinary Heads of State and Government Summit held in Johannesburg on 07 November 2008 endorsed the Great Lakes Region’s statement calling for the “establishment of humanitarian corridors throughout the area to ensure immediate address of the humanitarian crisis and tragedy”.

The SADC Troika Heads of State have resolved to actively appeal for increased international humanitarian assistance to the DRC to complement the current efforts of individual countries and international humanitarian organisations.

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