
Wednesday, December 10, 2008

(TALKZIMBABWE) "Time for Gordon Brown to step down"

"Time for Gordon Brown to step down"
Bill Waterman - Opinion
Mon, 08 Dec 2008 11:05:00 +0000

DEAR EDITOR – If I had been frozen the best part of the last ten years and woke up today, I would have thought that Robert Mugabe was the “President of the World”.

I am a British national who is constantly distracted by news from Zimbabwe each time I open up Reuters, AFP, BBC, or any other major news agency Web site to find out what is going on around the world and here in Britain. One is compelled to think that Zimbabwe represents the worst of the world crises today.

Please could someone tell me what exactly is the fascination with this 84 year old man and that tiny landlocked country called Zimbabwe, which compels every world leader to want to comment on him (it)?

I never understood how adding yet another call for Robert Mugabe to step down to the thousands of existing calls could make this world more unified or peaceful.

I think we in the West have become paranoid schizophrenics who think that we should be involved in every solution to world problems. This attitude has not helped before and will not help in the future. We seem to have run out of ideas of making this world a peaceful place.

Is it not time for our own Prime Minister, Gordon Brown to step down as well? George W. Bush is already on his way out.

There is now a very marked North/South division caused by the arrogance of our leadership, which is clearly failing to look after its own people and constantly poking its nose in other people’s affairs.

Rather than seeking ways to get the British people out of this credit crunch and find ways to resolve the global financial crisis, Gordon Brown is more interested in changing the Government of Zimbabwe, not of Britain.

And why are British and other external voices louder than the voices coming out of Zimbabwe for changing the Government? Something is wrong here.

Bill Waterman
Kent, UK

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