
Sunday, December 07, 2008

There’s no need for NCC to extend its mandate – Sata

There’s no need for NCC to extend its mandate – Sata
Written by Chibaula Silwamba
Sunday, December 07, 2008 6:36:56 PM

PATRIOTIC Front (PF) president Michael Sata yesterday charged that the National Constitutional Conference (NCC) delegates want to extend their mandate to 2010 to enrich themselves.

And Sata expressed surprise at the circumstances that have led to former intelligence chief Xavier Chungu's return after being on the run for over four years.

Commenting on the NCC secretariat's proposal to the general purposes committee of the NCC asking for the extension of the constitution-making body's mandate by 12 months from next year to 2010, Sata challenged the NCC to show the Zambians what they had achieved so far before they could ask for an extension of their mandate.

"Everybody in NCC, they are not there to produce a constitution, they are there to share the K400 billion. They will use every excuse to 'burn' the K400 billion which was budgeted for [the NCC]," Sata said. "Why do they ask for the extension when they haven't done anything? They should say this is what we have done but not extensions for drinking tea and having banquets because their tea break is a banquet.

"The reasons which they have advanced are not convincing. What have they done? The year 2009 has not come; we haven't seen what they have done. Why are they jumping to 2010 and October? If they say 2010 October, when is the report going to be ready? Is Cabinet going to look at that report? We were told there will be a referendum. Where will they find time for a referendum if the elections are towards the end of 2011?"

Sata accused NCC delegates of only being interested in making money for themselves and not making the constitution.

"I will be producing documents in due course where they have even proposed increase of allowances. They are only there to become rich. They have already written and approved the constitutions for their pockets and handbags," he said. "All that these people want is to make money and leave that document as it is."

He said it was strange that NCC delegates wanted more money when the people they represent were wallowing in poverty.

"They want to make extra money when people cannot afford to buy meali- meal, electricity, fuel, fertiliser...that is plunder of the worst nature during broad daylight," Sata observed. "The tax payer is suffering while they are making money Chifumu Banda is getting K25 million, Faustina Sinyangwe K18 million, [Regina] Musokotwane K18 million and Leonard Hikaunda K18 million, then the gang led by Peter Machungwa of 18 committee chairpersons and deputies get K17 million and K16.5 million. If you calculate that between now and 2010, how much are they going to make?"

On Chungu's surprise home-coming and corruption charges, Sata said all forms of corruption should be eradicated.

"It's very difficult to make a comment on the return of Xavier Chungu, I don't know the circumstances in which he left Zambia and I don't know the circumstances which has brought him back. So at the moment, all what it remains is speculation. I am not going to participate in the speculations, we shall wait and see," Sata said. "Corruption in any form must be eradicated, institutional corruption must be eradicated."

Meanwhile, Sata said Luapula Province minister Dr Boniface Kawimbe is not a founder member of the ruling MMD as claimed by President Rupiah Banda, a new comer to the party.

"Dr Boniface Kawimbe is not founder member of MMD. Boniface Kawimbe was a member of NADA, which was led by Reverend Mumpansha. It's me from my house who convinced Kawimbe to leave NADA to come and join MMD. Kawimbe left MMD together with General [Christon] Tembo when they were protesting against third term [bid of Frederick Chiluba]. Dr Kawimbe left FDD after he was defeated when he was aspiring to become president of FDD. He drifted back to MMD and he was defeated by Michael Mabenga at the MMD convention as national chairman, Boniface Kawimbe disappeared in thin air," Sata explained. "Now, Dr Kawimbe has found an indirect way of bouncing back to party power knowing very well that RB is not MMD. Dr Kawimbe would like to use Luapula as a spring board to come to the top leadership of MMD."

Sata also questioned President Banda's appointment of Dr Kawimbe and Charles Shawa as provincial ministers for Luapula and Northern provinces respectively.

"When Kenneth Kaunda created the position of provincial minister or minister of state, one of the national councils of UNIP which I attended, resolved that these positions must be given to local leaders who are fully conversant of the problems in that particular province," Sata said.

"The appointment of Boniface Kawimbe in Luapula Province and Shawa in Northern Province is an insult to the local leadership in the two provinces. Although Boniface Kawimbe may speak the same language as they may speak in Luapula, he doesn't know the problems of Luapula. And Mr Shawa will have to spend time to learn Northern Province before he can be effective. Is Rupiah Banda telling us that Northern and Luapula provinces do not have capable leaders who can be appointed to the simplest job of provincial minister?"

Sata said Northern and Luapula provinces had immense problems and that those problems needed to be dealt with by people who understand the areas.

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