
Monday, December 08, 2008

Those planning demos will be met with full force – Mpombo

Those planning demos will be met with full force – Mpombo
Written by Katwishi Bwalya
Monday, December 08, 2008 5:50:22 AM

DEFENCE minister George Mpombo has warned that people planning to demonstrate against high mealie-meal prices and other essential foods in the country will be met head-on with full force. In an interview, Mpombo said the government will apply the full force of the law against the demonstrators to ensure peace in the country.

Mpombo said some political party leaders had shown high levels of ignorance on the matter because the high prices of food were a worldwide issue, which were necessitated by a global shortage of food.

"The world is facing serious food shortages. You will find that Mexico, India, even Indonesia are affected and this has resulted in farming inputs to go up so it's unbelievable that leaders can choose to peddle in lies over this particular issue because any responsible leader must know what is the prevailing situation," he said. "This is a worldwide phenomenon and what we need as a country is more investment into the agriculture sector and the government has started with the Fertiliser Support Programme and we need to enhance that. But they should also look at the world financial calamity, which has shaken the entire world so our leaders are showing petty understanding of issues but that should not be the basis of issues. The basis should be 'these things are happening and what do we do'? 'What does the opposition together with government do to avert this situation?'"

He said the matters of elections were now in the courts of law and wondered why the opposition was trying to fight the government.

"But why are people trying to fight in all directions, that doesn't auger well," Mpombo said.

He said the purported demonstrations were totally unjustifiable.

"We don't need that as a country. What we need is to sit and talk and like the President said. Why do you want to destabilise the country? Over what? If we destroy the infrastructure through rioting then this county will be nothing," he said.

Mpombo said no one would be allowed to create political anarchy in the country in the name of human rights, demonstrations and in the name of self-expression.

"As a government we look at a bigger picture. Peace in the country is paramount and if there are people who are spoiling for a confrontation with government then they will not be disappointed but they will get just that," he said. "The government will not allow political anarchy in any form and from any quarter, and that should be understood very clearly in any form, anyone and from any corner or from anybody because any acts will be met head-on with full force."

Mpombo said the government was ready to deal with any political anarchy in very appropriate terms.

"No one will be allowed to create confusion; no one will be allowed to create political mayhem. As the government we will make sure that the full force of the law will be applied," said Mpombo. " All those who are bent on disrupting peace in the country will be dealt with if they stray in anarchy activities because there is a government in place and they should know that and the mandate we got from people is to maintain peace."

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