
Saturday, January 03, 2009

Chiluba is an anointed thief, says Fr Bwalya

Chiluba is an anointed thief, says Fr Bwalya
Written by Mwiinga Mukuwa and Mwala Kalaluka
Saturday, January 03, 2009 7:19:04 AM

FREDERICK Chiluba is an anointed thief, Radio Icengelo station manager Father Frank Bwalya has charged. And Siavonga United Party for National Development (UPND) member of parliament Douglas Syakalima has told Chiluba to understand that God’s word is too important to be used in vain.Reacting to Chiluba’s statement on Monday that those criticising him would be crushed because he was anointed by God, Fr Bwalya said Chiluba had not repented for the suffering he had caused to the Zambian people after plundering national resources.

Fr Bwalya said Zambians needed the money more than Chiluba the time he (Chiluba) plundered the country’s resources.

“Chiluba spent that money on rubbish shoes, extravagant flights and bribes, so Chiluba is an anointed thief, if he's an anointed thief, then he's not anointed by God. Chiluba anointed himself,” Fr Bwalya said. “Chiluba behaves like a thief who steals from people who are about to eat the meals and tells them to close the eyes and pray, after opening their eyes, they only find that the food they are supposed to eat is gone.

What is outstanding about Chiluba's legacy in Zambia is that he stole from the very people he was supposed to redeem from their suffering. As a matter of fact, he compounded the suffering of the Zambian people when he was president. For him, therefore, Chiluba is a falsely anointed person…he is not truly anointed because he was only asked to carry that announcement.”

He said Chiluba's decision to declare Zambia a Christian nation was meant to take advantage of the people.

“When Chiluba declared Zambia as a Christian nation, it was not because he was anointed but had his own hidden agenda; he wanted Zambians to close their eyes in prayer in the name of Zambia being a Christian nation and through that manipulate the situation and steal from us,” Fr Bwalya charged.

He said since Chiluba was not repentant, it made it difficult to believe or accept that he was anointed by God.

“If he was repentant for the wrong things he has done, yes things would have been different, just like some villager who was weak and committed some crimes but repented,” Fr Bwalya said.

He said even the issue of declaring December 29 as a national holiday in commemoration of the declaration of Zambia as a Christian nation by Chiluba was nonsense.

“There is no need to commemorate the declaration because we have holidays like Christmas, Easter which we recognise all these days internationally. I'm actually beginning to think that this way, we may go into Christian extremism. Extremism is something which is condemned,” Fr Bwalya said.

“I don't think it's necessary to have a holiday to commemorate that day when Chiluba just woke up and declared Zambia as a Christian nation. As long as Chiluba doesn't repent, this issue of saying he's anointed by God, there is nothing to show that he's been anointed by God because he has stolen from the Zambian people.”

He said the resources misapplied by Chiluba would have benefited HIV-positive people by procuring antiretroviral drugs.

“As long as Chiluba doesn't repent, people should not be forced to believe that he was anointed because he did not deliver the salvation for which he was anointed by God to perform,” said Fr Bwalya.

And Syakalima said those that preach must be careful with what they said because they would be judged harshly.

“But we hope that God is not being used in vain, because the word is very important,” said Syakalima, who also attended the service held to mark the 17th year following the declaration of Zambia as a Christian nation.

“I hope Chiluba understands that well and all those people who supported him and in a turn of event they abandoned him because they did not have what they wanted to get from him.”

Syakalima however said although it was clear on face value that Chiluba had committed mistakes against Zambians during his presidential tenure, there were certain people that were not fit to tell him to shut up.

“Whether we like Chiluba or not, there are certain people who should not speak against him unless they tell us that they have repented. They must shut up too, unless they have repented or regretted,” he said. “Sata is not a good person to tell Chiluba to shut up because other people should do that.”

Syakalima said Sata couldn't recuse himself from Chiluba's misdeeds today because he supported Chiluba and that he (Sata) was also a hypocrite.

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