
Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Construction of 970 km power line to begin

Construction of 970 km power line to begin
Written by Chiwoyu Sinyangwe
Wednesday, January 07, 2009 3:44:18 PM

CONSTRUCTION of a 970-kilometre power line to cover Zambia, Botswana and Namibia is set to begin. The project, once completed, is expected to enable interconnections among various southern African countries.

This was after the European Investment Bank (EIB) lent Namibia 35 million euros to finance the construction of a power link between the Caprivi strip and the north of Namibia.

According to a statement released to the media on Monday in Brussels, the loan would be utilised by the Namibian power utility, Nam Power, for the construction of a power line connecting the Namibian and Zambian grids.

“In addition to the EIB loan, Nam Power will get 15 million euros from the European Union-Africa Trust Fund, a special financial instrument established in 2008 to finance infrastructure projects in Africa,” the statement read in part.

The statement further disclosed that the new 970-kilometre power line, to be completed this year, would start from the Caprivi capital Katima Mulilo and progress to Zambia and Botswana and that the line would enable interconnections among various southern African countries.

The southern African region, which contains some of Africa’s fastest growing economies, is at present facing critical electricity shortages and has an urgent need to bring on line several power generation projects.

Over the last year, Zambia, Namibia, South Africa and Zimbabwe have had to resort to load shedding as a stop-gap measure in order to conserve energy. The region’s economic stay, the mining sector, has been particularly badly hit by the power shortages.


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