
Sunday, January 25, 2009

Govt lacks plans to recapitalise NCZ – Paradza

Govt lacks plans to recapitalise NCZ – Paradza
Written by Gloria Siwisha
Sunday, January 25, 2009 7:23:25 AM

NATIONAL Union of Commercial and Industrialised Workers (NUCIW) president Seth Paradza yesterday said government's move to invite Koreans to invest in Nitrogen Chemicals of Zambia (NCZ) signals their lack of plans to recapitalise the plant.

Commenting on President Rupiah Banda's appeal to the Republic of Korea to help rehabilitate NCZ, Paradza said the move was not welcome, as it had sent wrong signals to the workers.

He said the move had also re-enforced earlier calls by workers to have their terminal benefits paid.

"It is clear that the government is unwilling to recapitalise the plant because if they were, they would not invite outsiders to invest into the plant although the plant needs assistance," he said. "So we are saying let them pay us our terminal benefits."

Paradza said it was wrong for the government to say they had no financial resources when they had plans to import more fertiliser for this year's farming season.

He said the lives of many families in Kafue who solely depended on NCZ had been disturbed owing to the financial problems the plant was currently facing.

"We know that government intends to import more fertiliser this year but we are saying if they could even give NCZ half of that money they want to spend, it will be up and running," Paradza said. "This company can produce as expected when fully recapitalized."

President Banda on Thursday appealed to the Korean government to invest in NCZ when he received credentials from that country's representative to Zambia.

Earlier in an interview, agriculture minister Dr Brian Chituwo disclosed that about K5 billion had been set aside for the rehabilitation of NCZ.

Dr Chituwo also disclosed that a committee of Cabinet ministers had been set up and negotiations with NCZ management on the way forward had started.

He said the government attached great importance to the plant and would do everything possible to rehabilitate it.

Dr Chituwo, who could not categorically state whether the government would fully recapitalise NCZ, said the Cabinet ministers would submit a report to President Banda over the matter.

Dr Chituwo said the committee would also look at NCZ's indebtedness and action would be taken based on the outcome of the report.

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