
Saturday, January 03, 2009

(HERALD) Enough is enough, Tsvangirai

Enough is enough, Tsvangirai

IF ever there was anybody who doubted that MDC-T leader Morgan Tsvangirai is a puppet in the mould of Moise Tshombe, those doubts should be dispelled by Tsvangirai’s behaviour in the wake of indications from the US State Department that Washington was ‘‘withdrawing support’’ for the envisaged inclusive Government.

As we report elsewhere in this issue, the MDC-T leader has written to President Mugabe, ostensibly, turning down the invitation to come for swearing in as Prime Minister, claiming he needs to ‘‘iron out’’ outstanding issues.

While Tsvangirai’s language may give the impression that he is leaving the door to the inclusive Government open on condition that his demands are met, all who are well-versed with his flip-flopping since the broad-based agreement was signed on September 15 last year, will agree that the man changes positions to match statements coming from Whitehall or the White House.

It is important to note that all along, Tsvangirai claimed he could not return home to be sworn in because he did not have a passport.

But now that the passport has been hand-delivered to him by the South African ambassador to Botswana, the man is singing a different tune. However, Tsvangirai’s latest charade comes as no surprise to us given statements made by the US Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs, Jendayi Frazer, who announced that the US was ‘‘withdrawing support’’ for the inclusive Government.

The man’s recent pronouncements echo the US State Department position, even though regional leaders are agreed that the envisaged inclusive Government is long overdue.

What this means is that Tsvangirai has made it clear that he prioritises Western voices over African sentiment.

To this end, we urge President Mugabe to proceed with the formation of the envisaged inclusive Government regardless of whether Tsvangirai wants in or out.

For the Government to be inclusive, it does not mean it has to have Tsvangirai in it; the Government can be inclusive of people who want to be in it.

We reiterate even if Tsvangirai were to join Government; he would be difficult to work with as long as he dances to the puppeteer’s tune. To this end, we believe the nation and Government have been patient enough with this man, it’s high time we said enough is enough.

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