Monday, January 12, 2009

(HERALD) Put your house in order, Tsvangirai

Put your house in order, Tsvangirai

This letter is directed to the MDC-T and its ceremonial leader, Morgan Tsvangirai. It is clear to everyone that MDC-T does not know whether or not it should be part of the inclusive Government along with the ruling Zanu-PF party and the MDC.

My analysis of the situation is that Tsvangirai simply waits for instructions from America and Britain before acting.

That is why the opposition is doing as it is told by Jendayi Frazer and not finalising the agreement signed in September last year. At the same time, a number of media reports have pointed to the existence of serious divisions in the party.

I also read that the Rhodesians who have been funding Tsvangirai are now demanding something in return by way of eight Cabinet seats in the envisaged inclusive Government.

My advice to Tsvangirai is simple: Get your house in order.

Tsvangirai has demonstrated over the past several months that he is not in control of the party. He cannot direct affairs in the opposition and, as such, it would be pointless for him to enter Government because he would not be able to make any decisions.

Tsvangirai should find the guts to simply tell the West that they are exposing him for the puppet he is and should leave him to finalise the agreement. If he cannot do that, then I think our elected President, Cde Mugabe, should just go ahead and form a Government with those people who are progressive.

I would not be surprised if many people in MDC-T are frustrated by Tsvangirai’s lack of control and would jump at the opportunity if they were asked to lead the opposition in the inclusive Government.

Zimbabwe cannot wait forever for Tsvangirai to get an instruction from the West. Besides, waiting like this makes it appear as if Tsvangirai has some magic formula that will turn around the economy when we all know he does not have it for the simple reason that he cannot even direct affairs in the party he claims to lead.

Cde J. J. Makoni.

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