
Tuesday, January 13, 2009

(HERALD) Rhodies control MDC-T thinking

Rhodies control MDC-T thinking

WHILE, like all progressive Zimbabweans, we were outraged by the condescending statements made by MDC-T policy co-ordinator Eddie Cross, that his party would rather let Zimbabwe ‘‘crash and burn’’, than join the envisaged inclusive Government headed by President Mugabe, the utterances were hardly surprising.

They brought to mind similar posturing by former US Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs Chester Crocker, who told the US Senate in September 2001: "To separate the Zimbabwean people from (Cde) Robert Mugabe, we are going to have to make the economy scream. And I hope you, Senators, have the stomach for it.’’

As it turned out, the senators were equal to the task as they not only passed the US sanctions law, the so-called Zimbabwe Democracy and Economic Recovery Act, that same year, but also endorsed the Bush regime’s meddlesome policies in Zimbabwe.

It came as no surprise to us when, a few months later, Morgan Tsvangirai echoed Crocker’s sentiments at a rally in Manicaland where he asked the people gathered: ‘‘Mati mune nzara? Muri kushaya chekudya? Zvino muchanyatsoshayisisa chaizvo-izvo (You say you are suffering? You haven’t seen anything yet)."

We say hardly surprising because MDC-T has never made it a secret that it thrives on people’s suffering for political capital.

However, what shocks us more about Cross is his insensitivity, particularly at a time when the progressive world has ganged up to help Zimbabwe put out some of the flames wrought by the illegal sanctions — the cholera epidemic that has claimed more than 1 700 lives since August.

In other words, Cross is saying innocent people may as well die of cholera and other preventable diseases as long as MDC-T has its way.

A way that will guarantee the way of life of those of Cross’ ilk and their descendants at the expense of the generality of Zimbabweans.

To this end, we urge Zimbabweans and the progressive world to see MDC-T and its Rhodesian rottweilers for what they are: blood-sucking neo-colonialists who are not concerned about the welfare, let alone fortunes, of the generality of Zimbabweans.

To put things into perspective, we would like to draw the attention of the people to the biblical story of King Solomon and the two women who laid claim to the same child following the death of one of the women’s children.

To determine who the real mother of the baby was, the wise king proposed that the living baby be cut into two with each woman getting half the dead baby.

The one who was laying false claim readily agreed to the proposal, but the real mother pleaded with the king to spare the child’s life even if it meant giving the baby to the spiteful woman.

Need we say more about who really cares about Zimbabwe?

He who would rather see it ‘‘crash and burn’’ or he who not only fought for it, but is ready to compromise, even with unrepentant Rhodies like Cross, for the good of the nation?

We rest our case.

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