
Monday, January 19, 2009

(HERALD) Tsvangirai not in charge of MDC-T

Tsvangirai not in charge of MDC-T

EDITOR — Sadc leaders who convene in Harare today to try to knock sense into Morgan Tsvangirai’s head should understand the kind of person they are dealing with. It appears Morgan is a gate-boy. He is not the main man in MDC-T. I challenge him to prove me wrong by going against Western opposition to the envisaged inclusive Government.

It appears the people calling the shots are Gordon Brown, Jendayi Frazer and the likes of Eddie Cross who said he wants to see Zimbabwe crash and burn. Tsvangirai is still to prove that he can make his own decisions. I do not think he even knows what the negotiations are all about.

The guy called and campaigned for the illegal sanctions against his own country and people hoping that he would be targeting Zanu-PF supporters.

What he forgot was that everyone in Zimbabwe has Zanu-PF blood in them because of the country’s history of the liberation war fought to end white minority rule.

Now that everybody is suffering from the illegal sanctions he asked for, Tsvangirai does not know where to start in dealing away with them with the truth being that he has no power at all over the situation.

I hope our House of Assembly Members and Senators are telling their constituents the truth about the source of our problems — the illegal sanctions.

President Mugabe is the only leader in Africa who has the guts to stand eyeball-to-eyeball with the Western hypocrites. He calls the West by their real name and tells them to go to hell if they do not want to treat blacks as equal human beings.

I wish the likes of Tsvangirai would follow that lead. It’s not taboo to call a spade by its name. They should be proud of their blackness and defend their rights as Africans.

Cde Jairos "War Vet" Tapfuma.

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