
Monday, January 19, 2009

Investor returns drilling machine to LCM

Investor returns drilling machine to LCM
Written by Zumani Katasefa in Kitwe
Monday, January 19, 2009 7:14:54 AM

THE raise bowler, a drilling machine that was removed from Luanshya Copper Mine (LCM)’s Baluba underground mine two weeks ago has been returned.

But Luanshya miners have rejected the machine because it has some parts missing, and have since surrendered it to the police.

“They have returned the machine but we have rejected it because it had some parts missing, the cutters were found missing, about 10 of them, and there were also no leavers in the box,” said a Mine Workers Union of Zambia (MUZ) branch official who spoke on condition of anonymity.

The official added that the machine was currently being kept at Luanshya Central police station.

“The government should prevail on this matter and there should be an explanation on where the other parts have gone. These people should bring back the missing parts of the machine,” demanded the official.

He said the move by the investor to remove the machine from underground and then later return it with some other vital parts removed was retrogressive and tantamount to vandalism.

“As miners, we are not going to accept this machine until the other missing parts are returned and fixed to the equipment,” he said.

The removal of the raise bowler from the mine caused a serious problem.

And MUZ secretary general Oswell Munyenyembe confirmed that the machine had been returned.

“Yes, the machine was returned recently,” he said.

LCM chief executive officer Derrick Webbstock earlier said the machine had been lent to a Zambian company doing some work at Chambishi NFCA and would be returned immediately it completed its job.

But the miners suspected the machine was being taken to the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) where the shareholders in LCM allegedly had a mining interest.

Meanwhile, miners have also complained that the MUZ national leadership was not on the ground to get first hand information regarding the situation at the troubled mine.

“… this is why they were making wrong statements in the press,” said the official.

The miner also complained that the MUZ national leadership had asked the local MUZ branch leaders in Luanshya to desist from making press statements regarding the situation at the mine on grounds that they could alarm the situation.

But Munyenyembe dismissed assertions by the miners that the MUZ national leadership was not on the ground to get first hand information regarding the state of Luanshya mine.

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