
Tuesday, January 13, 2009

JCTR records highest food prices in Lusaka, Ndola

JCTR records highest food prices in Lusaka, Ndola
Written by Fridah Zinyama
Tuesday, January 13, 2009 9:48:30 AM

THE Jesuit Centre for Theological Reflection (JCTR) has disclosed that Lusaka and Ndola recorded the highest cost of food items in 2008.

In a press release, JCTR coordinator for Social Conditions Programme Miniva Chibuye stated that there had been a steady increase in food prices for both Ndola and Lusaka, with the highest prices recorded in April, June, November and December of the year under review.

The total cost of basic food items for a family of six in December 2008 for Lusaka was K751,650 and K786,220 in Ndola.

The overall cost of the December Basic Needs Basket (BNB), that is, taking into account the cost of food and essential non-food items such as rent, charcoal, wash and bath soap amounted to K1,934,950 in Lusaka and K1,579,804 in Ndola. These figures represented an increase of K25, 090 in Ndola and K20, 500 in Lusaka from the total BNB cost recorded in the month of November 2008.

“This is distinct from the downward trend experienced in 2007 over the same period,” she stated. “While price increases were registered across various towns in Zambia, a review of all the JCTR BNBs (Lusaka, Kabwe, Ndola, Kitwe, Luanshya, Livingstone, Mongu and Kasama) indicate that Lusaka and Ndola recorded the highest food prices in 2008.”

Chibuye however observed that Ndola had recorded the highest increases in January and February and between August and December.

“It is important to note that food items such as mealie-meal, bread, kapenta, beans, eggs and sugar increased substantially during the year across all BNB towns. For example, the rise in mealie-meal prices was unprecedented from K36, 300 in January to K61, 000 in December, representing an increase of K24, 700,” she stated.

Chibuye stated that mealie-meal prices in Ndola increased by K24, 500 from K39, 500 in January to K64, 000 in December.

“On the other hand, the average cost of bread rose by K700 from K2,900 in January to K3,600 in December and by K900 from K4,400 to K5,500 in Lusaka and Ndola respectively,” she stated.

“In Lusaka, a two litre container of cooking oil increased from K18,100 in January to K32,700 in December. Over the same period, the cost of sugar rose by K600 from K4,500 to K5,100 in Lusaka and by K700 from K4,500 to K5, 200 in Ndola. However, sugar prices peaked in May and June due to the unexpected shortage within the country.”

Chibuye observed that price changes for food items such as vegetables, tomatoes and dry fish were according to the season, a factor which depended upon how much was available on the market.

“For instance, dry fish tends to be expensive during the fish ban effected at the beginning of December and lifted at the beginning of March,” stated Chibuye.

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