
Friday, January 02, 2009

Letter to Mugabe from Tsvangirai

COMMENTS - Two questions:
1) Who wrote this, as Tsvangirai is on record having an Australian ghost writer and
2) What cholera epidemic? What happened to the urgency of an outbreak so severe it would justify military invasion?

Letter to Mugabe from Tsvangirai
Written by Morgan Tsvangirai
Dear Mr. Mugabe,

I acknowledge receipt of a copy of your letter dated 17 December 2008 and my passport, delivered to me on Christmas day by the South African High Commissioner to Botswana , Mr. Dikgang Moopeloa.

You will appreciate that even though it is my constitutional right to have a passport, it has taken me six months to receive one and at great inconvenience to me and my family. I find this political manoeuvring contemptuous of the position of Prime Minister Designate.

As for the substance of your letter I refer you to a number of breaches to the MOU that you and your party have committed, to the detriment of the confidence in the process of formation of the inclusive government.

1. Violence and Abductions

I can sight several incidents where my party members have continued to suffer at the hands of state sponsored elements. Several members of my party and civic society have been abducted and the state has denied any knowledge of their whereabouts and responsibility for their abductions even before a court of law, only to confirm recently that this had been the case all long.

1. The rule of law

Recently I found it necessary to issue a statement indicating that the MDC may have to withdraw from any further negotiations with ZANU-PF. It is sad that the executive stands in contempt of a court ruling by the judiciary even at this critical time of our nation’s history.

1. Unilateral Appointments and Actions

You have continued to make appointments in complete violation of the MOU and GPA, suggesting that you want to go it alone.

d. Public Utterances

I have sometimes wondered, from the language that you use at formal occasions, whether you care for the integrity and credibility of parties that have agreed to work with you in the national interest.

e. Unprocedural Communication

The national print and electronic media continue to operate as instruments to promote the interests of ZANU-PF, vilifying my party in the process.

You are aware that the MDC through its Council resolution justifiably rejected the recommendation of SADC, and that the position regarding fundamental issues of principle have not yet been resolved. It is therefore presumptuous to conclude that the MDC accepts the allocation of ministers as per the schedule that you unilaterally gazetted. For the avoidance of doubt let me restate the following outstanding issues that need resolving before an inclusive government is set up.

(i) Governors and other Senior Appointments

Your unilateral decision to appoint Provincial Governors was in total violation of the MOU and therefore is null and void. In terms of voter statistics my party is entitle to provide five of the ten provincial governors. We do not need to get bogged down on such an obvious matter and I would ask for your unqualified acknowledgement of this fact. Similarly any other senior appointments that have occurred outside the agreed framework must be set aside, notably that of Reserve Bank Governor and Attorney General.

(ii) Ministerial Allocations

The allocation of ministerial portfolios in order to achieve equity has not been concluded. I note that you have reproduced the listing of ministries as unilaterally gazetted by yourself. Our position has been stated clearly in writing to your team and was also communicated to SADC. The impression created is that there was agreement on all ministries barring Home Affairs. Of course this is not correct and I now urge you to rectify this anomaly in line with our stated position and for the parties to move forward.

(iii) National Security

In view of past and recent events where our members have been subjected to abductions and torture by the state security organs (Police, CIO and Army), it is imperative that these institutions be controlled by all parties to the agreement. Of particular concern is the role of the security apparatus in actively undermining the agreement. We have therefore lost the little confidence and trust in you being solely in charge of any security apparatus. The construction and composition of the National Security Council is of utmost significance. Legislation regarding the operations, control and funding of the security services by the National Security Council has to be enacted prior to formation of the inclusive government.

(iv) Amendment No. 19

When the constitution Amendment No. 19 Bill has been passed into law, the roles of President and Prime Minister will then stand properly defined within the law. Otherwise there is no basis for appointments.

(v) Abductions

The fate of abducted victims must be determined with their release and court process not interfered with. The allegations of banditry training levelled against my party and a neighbouring state have already been verified as false and diversionary. There is a need to restore our credibility and confidence as partners to the agreement.

In the absence of the above processes, I find your proposal to appoint me Prime Minister irregular.

I have written in the same vein to president Mohlanthe suggesting he convenes a confidential meeting in South Africa between you and me, under his chairmanship, so that we can iron out these matters to the satisfaction of all parties. I am sure you are anxious to proceed to the successful implementation of the Global political Agreement (GPA), anxiety that I share, but the issues are so profound that we must act in a logical sequence.

In the meantime, I hope that when parliament convenes on the 20 January, 2009, all parties will support the text of the bill in accordance with the agreement.

Please receive my compliments of the season.


Morgan Tsvangirai
President MDC

Cc President Kgalema Motlanthe, Chairman SADC
Executive Secretary, SADC-for circulation
President Jakaya Kikwete, African Union

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