
Saturday, January 03, 2009

(LUSAKATIMES) Almost 1,000 families survive on one meal a day in Kabompo

Almost 1,000 families survive on one meal a day in Kabompo
January 2, 2009

More than 980 households in Kabompo district of Northwestern province are said to be eating one meal per day because of shortage of maize in the area. This is according to the disaster and epidemic preparedness committee report, which was made available to ZANIS in Kabompo today.

The report says the worst hit areas are Chikenge, which has 111 affected households in Chief Kalunga’s area. Dikolonga has 102 households in Chief Chiyengele’s area and Watopa has 92 house holds in Senior Chief Sikufele’s area, who are said to be eating one meal per day.

Other areas affected are Mayawu, Kashinakaji, Kayombo, Mbulundu and Mulundu, Katuba, Mumbeji, Chitapalova, Chifuwe, Chikokwelo, Kawanda, Kasamba, Kulwashi and Manyinga.

The report attributed the hunger situation in Kabompo to uncontrolled sale of cassava chips and maize by small scale farmers to unscrupulous traders from a foreign country.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives has also cited the heavy rains and floods which destroyed crops in the fields last season as some of the reasons for shortage of food.


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