
Thursday, January 15, 2009

(LUSAKATIMES) Don’t include 50%+1 vote in Constitution Govt tells NCC

Don’t include 50%+1 vote in Constitution Govt tells NCC
January 14, 2009

The Presidential Affairs Minister has cautioned members of the National Constitution Conference (NCC) against including the fifty percent plus one in the constitution on Presidential elections.

Gabriel Namulambe said the current system of a Presidential candidate winning with a simple majority is good for Zambia.

Mr. Namulambe said Zambia has no resources for holding Presidential election re-runs as demanded by the fifty percent plus one alternative.

He said its inclusion will be a burden as the government will be forced to use funds for development for re-runs in case the winning President does not secure the required percentage.

Meanwhile United Party for National Development vice president Richard Kapita has urged NCC members to support the inclusion of the fifty plus one percent.

Mr. Kapita said Zambia can only have a majority President using the fifty plus one percent.

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