
Thursday, January 01, 2009

(LUSAKATIMES) HCR calls for improved justice delivery system

HCR calls for improved justice delivery system
January 1, 2009

The Human Rights Commission (HRC) has stressed the call for government to pay particular attention to the justice delivery system and ensure every person facing trial in the courts is afforded a fair trial.

HRC Chairperson Pixie Yangailo said persons facing any kind of trial should have access to legal representation and quick dispensation of their cases.

Mrs. Yangailo told journalists in Lusaka yesterday that there were currently many people who are spending unacceptably long periods in jail awaiting trial.

She said there was need not to spare any efforts in strengthening existing institutions such as the Legal Aid Department (LAD) while exploring any other avenues that would ensure that justice is dispensed appropriately and expeditiously.

She has also called on the government to consider looking into the conditions of the prisons in the country, noting that Zambians prisons were very congested.

She noted that Zambian prisons were the third most congested prisons in Africa.

Mrs. Yangailo has since commended the Ministry of Home Affairs for acknowledging that the prisons were very congested.

She also acknowledged the improvements of transport for the prisoners and the introduction of the parole, the development she said would help de-congest the prisons.

She stated that the commission was opposed to the death penalty, saying the right to life must therefore be upheld at all costs and other demeaning ways of punishment should be resorted to.

The HRC Chairperson has also commended Zambian people for the peaceful manner in which they conducted themselves during the October 30, elections which led to having few instances of violence.

She has since urged the media to ensure that they stick to their ethics and not use the power to misinform and wreck havoc on those who, for one reason or another, did not like or support.

And Mrs. Yangailo also said job losses would have a negative impact on the ability of many people to enjoy human rights, especially social and economic rights.


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