
Sunday, January 18, 2009

Ndola police place Cabinet Office accountants officers on bond

Ndola police place Cabinet Office accountants officers on bond
Written by Mutuna Chanda in Kitwe
Sunday, January 18, 2009 6:01:58 AM

THE eight accounting officers from Cabinet Office in Ndola who were arrested and charged for theft and money laundering involving over K2.2 billion for poverty reduction programmes have been released on police bond.

Sources told The Post that the accountants were released on police bond on Friday. The sources disclosed that the eight would appear in court on January 30.

When contacted, Drug Enforcement Commission spokesperson Rosten Chulu said he was not aware of whether or not the accountants were released by press time, but said it was possible that they may have been out because the offence provided for a bond.

Chulu on Thursday confirmed the arrest of the eight officers on Wednesday, and the seizure of two houses and 14 motor vehicles.

“Those arrested include Innocent Hatombwe, 39, a chief accountant of house number 6, Mbala Road in Kansenshi, John Chitalu Musonda, 50, a principal accountant of North Rise in Ndola, Peter Mwape Kapesebele, 31, a local government officer, Kennedy Kabwe Mwale, 44, an accountant of Mwata Kazembe Road,” Chulu stated. “Others arrested include Clement Liwena, 34, an assistant accountant of house number 30, Feira Road in Kansenshi, Susan Ncube Mpongosa, 35, an assistant accountant of Victor Mulenga Road in Kansenshi, Loveness Ngosa Changala, 40, also an assistant accountant of Hillcrest Extension in Ndola and Priscilla Kamutumwa, 40, of Nkwazi Road.”

Chulu stated that the officers, while acting together with other unknown persons between January 1, 2006 and January 14, 2009, allegedly stole the money that they had been charged for.

“Whilst acting jointly together with other persons unknown on dates but between 1st January 2006 and 14th January, 2009, in their capacities as civil servants at Ndola Provincial Administration Office, allegedly did steal the said monies which belonged to the government of the Republic of Zambia meant for poverty reduction programmes under the provincial administration office in Ndola, which money came into their possession by virtue of their employment as civil servants,” stated Chulu. “They later did launder the same monies directly or indirectly into property such as motor vehicles and houses.”

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