
Friday, January 09, 2009

(NYASATIMES) Mwenefumbo in fertiliser subsidy scam

Mwenefumbo in fertiliser subsidy scam
Judith Moyo
09 January, 2009 01:17:00

Deputy Minister of agriculture and food security, Frank Mwenefumbo has been accused of diverting coupons for the fertiliser subsidy progmamme from Rumphi, Chitipa and Mzimba to his constituency in Karonga.

“The Deputy Minister of Agriculture, Frank Mwenifumbo has used the Fertiliser Subsidy Programme extensively as a political tool.

“Fertiliser coupons destined for Rumphi, Chitipa and Mzimba have found their way to supporters of Mwenifumbo in Karonga,” a whistle blower in government said.

“The wife of Mwenifumbo used coupons to win the DPP primaries in Karonga North west. The Deputy Minister used coupons to try to buy voters in Karonga Central,” said the source.

“Key people in the Mwenifumbo group have been given several coupons each, which they have sold and bought iron sheets for their houses, ox carts and even TV Satellites,” the source disclosed.

Among the people who have benefited include his campaign director, Mapunda Mwalwanda, his secretary of his organization, Calles Gondwe, Dick Sichali, Erina Mhango, Ann Nasawi, Tota Mwafulirwa, Hope Chiwaka and others.

The conduct by Mwenefumbo is deliberately derailing the programme which is supposed to help Malawi achieve "Food Security", complained a government official.

He expressed worry that donors will not be amused that their money is funding political patronage. Mwenefumbo could not be reached on hi phones for comment.

But during a recent meeting he held in Gumi, Mlare the deputy minister boasted that that he is untouchable as President Bingu wa Mutharika’s “right hand man”.

During the last growing season, cabinet ministers were selling the coupons. And former Minister of Defense, Bob Khamisa lost his cabinet portfolio due to the same.

The fertilizer subsidy programme has been highly detested by the opposition, mainly Malawi Congress Party (MCP) saying it is discriminatory.

But President Mutharika has stood his ground maintaining that it has been a huge success since its inception.

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