
Monday, January 26, 2009

PS bemoans careless tree cutting in Chipata

PS bemoans careless tree cutting in Chipata
Written by Christopher Miti in Chipata
Monday, January 26, 2009 5:09:04 AM

NEWLY appointed Eastern Province permanent secretary Eularia Syamujaye has said indiscriminate cutting of trees and cultivation on the hills has led to heavy siltation of streams and rivers and infrastructural damage in Chipata.

And Chipata Mayor Sinoya Mwale said people would continue losing their lives if the prevailing situation of cultivating on the hills and cutting of trees continues.

During the tree planting day last Saturday which marked the end of cultivating on hill slopes, Syamujaye observed that the cutting of trees for charcoal production and unsustainable cultivation had continued to be on the increase.

“Cutting of trees and cultivation on the hills has led to heavy siltation of streams and rivers as well as damage to infrastructure such as culverts, roads and houses. This makes it very difficult for government to work on the same infrastructure such as township roads instead of channelling the resources to other developmental programmes,” Syamujaye said.

She said it was sad that after heavy downpours, the fast-running water posed a great danger to both motorists and pedestrians who in some cases had lost lives in trying to cross flooded roads and bridges.

Syamujaye said there was need for local communities to take an active role in tree planting in order to restore the degraded environment and mitigate the negative effects of climate change that were now a big threat to humankind.

“Conservation of trees should not be left to government and Non Governmental Organisations alone, but should be a responsibility of all patriotic citizens as the effects of not conserving nature do not choose but affect everyone of us. As the saying goes we should start to think globally and not act locally,” Syamujaye said.

And Mwale said the continuous destruction of trees on the hills was a big source of concern.

He appealed to Chipata residents to take keen interest in ensuring that hills were protected from destruction.

Mwale commended the Environmental Conservation Society of Zambia, Highways bakery, Alliance One and Ally and Sons for making the tree planting exercise a success.

The tree planting event followed a maize slashing exercise that was effected by Chipata Municipal Council three weeks ago and was met with strong resistance from the residents.

Over 2,500 trees were planted during the event.

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