
Monday, January 12, 2009

Reconcile with Sata, Spaita appeals to Banda

Reconcile with Sata, Spaita appeals to Banda
Written by Chibaula Silwamba in Kasama
Monday, January 12, 2009 6:28:11 AM

KASAMA Catholic Archbishop James Spaita has disclosed that during his meeting with President Rupiah Banda, he appealed to the head of state to reconcile with Patriotic Front (PF) president Michael Sata in the interest of the nation.

And Archbishop Spaita has wished Zambians peace, joy and happiness as they begin the new year.

In an interview at his residence last Friday night, Archbishop Spaita said he told President Banda that polarisation between the government and opposition political parties was not good for the nation especially now when the country was experiencing difficulties in various spheres of human life.

"Actually, I shared with the President that this situation where opposition and government seem to be polarised, no! There is great need of coming together, talk about the problems together and try to solve the problems together," Archbishop Spaita said. "When you are in a situation like hunger let alone even war, differences disappear; you unite to fight the common enemy. And we know right now that we have to pull ourselves together, united and together stand to find solutions to the very serious problems the nation is facing, not only in agriculture but the mining industry. How many people are being laid off? These are people with families and they have to survive."

He, therefore, urged politicians to come together.

" face this reality of agriculture [inputs], of mining and all the many areas where most of our people are adversely affected because you hear this mine closing, so many people are laid off, it's really sad. This is not the time to be divided. It's the time to be united and share our ideas and solve the problems of our country together," Archbishop Spaita said. "The government and those in opposition - you know jokingly I say this term opposition, whoever invented it, you know, instead of saying the party that is advising the government, they use the word opposition as if everything the government does must be opposed and even the opposition must be opposed by the government. It's a very sad notion."

Archbishop Spaita said there was no need for the party in government and the opposition to be at loggerheads.

"I would call on the political leadership, President Rupiah Banda and Mr Sata, as leader of the opposition, to come together for the good of the good of the nation. This is not the time to speak only through the newspapers, they have to talk person-to-person and put our heads together as a nation," Archbishop Spaita advised.

Asked about the reaction of President Banda when he suggested to him that he should come together with Sata and other opposition leaders, Archbishop Spaita responded: "The President [Banda] is very positive; he said to me, 'Mr Sata is very close to me and I am ready to meet him.'"

Archbishop Spaita also said he was happy to share ideas with President Banda on several issues affecting people especially people in Northern Province.

"When I heard of the President's visit to the province, I was very happy in the sense that he offered us an opportunity to express, first of all, our good cooperation as Catholic Church with government in many areas of interest; education, health and now our special interest in agriculture or food security," Archbishop Spaita said.

He also urged Zambians to ask God to help them resolve the economic problems the country was currently going through.

"For me, normally at the beginning of the year and believing that nothing will happen without the help of the Lord, I would wish the nation and all the people, peace, joy and happiness as we begin this new year, 2009," said Archbishop Spaita. "We need to ask God's blessings. Our human efforts alone can never solve these problems but with the help of the Lord any problems will be solved. I pray that we continue enjoying peace and that all the problems through the help of the Lord may be tackled and be solved for the benefit of our country."

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