
Thursday, January 29, 2009

Rupiah warns PSs against corruption

Rupiah warns PSs against corruption
Written by Chibaula Silwamba
Thursday, January 29, 2009 9:45:29 AM

PRESIDENT Rupiah Banda yesterday warned that he will dismiss any permanent secretary involved in corruption. And President Banda has barred permanent secretaries from undertaking travels abroad and workshops that do not benefit Zambians.

Addressing 13 newly-appointed permanent secretaries after they took oath of office at State House in Lusaka, President Banda said he would not tolerate misuse of government funds on unnecessary luxuries which add no value to the lives of Zambians.

"A number of you are also going to be appointed controlling officers. I want you to use public funds properly and efficiently," President Banda said. "I want my permanent secretaries and controlling officers to be wary of corruption. I will not condone corruption and will dismiss any of you if caught involved."

However, President Banda said he trusted his new permanent secretaries would perform to his and the whole nation's expectations. President Banda warned permanent secretaries against taking unnecessary trips abroad.

"Travels abroad, workshop to workshop, which yield no results must not be undertaken," President Banda said.

He also told permanent secretaries that they must stop gossiping and avoid careless talk outside their offices.

"Work must be the priority before all," he said. "I want to emphasise what I said in my Parliament speech to the nation. I want discipline and hard work from all serving with me. I will not accept failure."

President Banda emphasised that he had a short period of time in office as President within which to fulfill the promises he made to the Zambian people during his campaign for election.

"I, therefore, will not accept excuses for failure to perform. I do not want unnecessary bureaucratic delays. I do not want scapegoating [scapegoat]. I want Zambians to receive a decent service from the civil service," he said.

President Banda said he was counting on his newly-appointed permanent secretaries to ensure that Zambians received the services they deserve from the government.

"In spite of what our detractors are saying about your appointments, each one of you was carefully selected from many equally capable Zambians," President Banda said. "I am as your President very confident that you will form part of the team of permanent secretaries who will oversee the successful implementation of my government's policies, programmes and projects."

He urged the new appointees to carefully read his speech to the nation, which he presented in Parliament so that they could understand and appreciate his government's vision, objectives and plans for 2009.

"I want you [to] take special interest in the budget which the minister of finance is presenting to Parliament this Friday [tomorrow]," President Banda said. "The budget will list and show all the projects and programmes which government plans to implement this year. I expect and demand that each one of you successfully implements programmes and projects under your charge."

Those sworn-in as permanent secretaries include Sebastian Kakoma [Office of the Vice-President], Berlin Msiska [Ministry Finance and National Planning], Dr Velepi Mtonga [Ministry of Health], Chilala Chibbonta [Ministry of Local Government and Housing], Godwin Beene [Mines and Minerals Development], and Davison Mendamenda [Lands].

And provincial permanent secretaries sworn-in included Villie Lombanya [Copperbelt], Eularia Zulu-Syamujaye [Eastern], Jazzman Chikwakwa [Luapula], Stephen Bwalya [Lusaka], Mwalimu Simfukwe [Northern] and Ikanuke Noyoo [Western Province].

And President Banda swore-in Robison Nkonde as senior private secretary at State House.

"I want to welcome Mr Nkonde to State House; it's a very tough place to work in, there is no time to break but we know you will be able to perform," said President Banda.

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