
Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Sata calls for balanced representation on parliamentary committees

Sata calls for balanced representation on parliamentary committees
Written by Lambwe Kachali
Tuesday, January 20, 2009 7:15:09 PM

Opposition Patriotic Front (PF) president Michael Sata has expressed concern over the imbalanced representation on parliamentary committees.

In a letter dated January 19, 2009 addressed to the Speaker of the National Assembly Amusaa Mwanamwambwa and copied to the deputy Speaker, clerk and deputy clerk of the National Assembly, Sata stated that there was no equal representation of political parties in parliamentary committees.

Sata stated that PF's concern was not in any way questioning or disrespecting the Speaker but noted that parliamentary democracy demanded full participation and representation of members of parliament in proceedings and work of the National Assembly.

"As Patriotic Front, we have noticed with concern that appointments/selection of members of committees had not been in line with provisions of the Zambian Constitution. We have noticed that some members have been serving on three or four committees while others serve on one committee only. Examples can be given if need arise," stated Sata. "As you are fully aware sir, Article 86(3) of the Constitution of Zambia states; "In the selection of members of committee, the National Assembly shall seek to ensure that there shall be equal representation of political parties or groups that are represented in the National Assembly as well as of the members not belonging to any such parties or groups". Our concern does not in any way question your powers or show disrespect to the chair. But we are of the strong view that parliamentary democracy entails or demands that there shall be equal and full participation of all representatives of the people of Zambia in proceedings and work of the National Assembly of Zambia."

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