
Tuesday, January 06, 2009

‘Sata’s thinking is limited to politicking’

‘Sata’s thinking is limited to politicking’
Written by Katwishi Bwalya and Allan Mulenga
Tuesday, January 06, 2009 4:55:55 PM

PATRIOTIC Front president Michael Sata’s thinking is limited topoliticking, science and technology deputy minister Jonas Shakafuswa has charged.And UPND spokesperson Charles Kakoma has said Sata is failing to identify the root causes of the country’s economic problems.

But PF Kantanshi member of parliament Yamfwa Mukanga agreed with Sata’s statement, saying there was need for parliamentarians to be in the forefront in the country’s development process.

Reacting to Sata’s statement that members of Parliament were to blame for the economic crisis the country was facing because they did not debate real issues in parliament, Shakafuswa said it was unfortunate for Sata who wanted to be president of the country to think in those lines.

“The economic problems facing the country are not from Zambia but from outside the country and it’s not parliament that controls the economy, but the government through the Ministry of Finance, so for him to think like that, it shows that his thinking is limited to politicking,” he said.

Shakafuswa, who is also Katuba member of parliament, said there was need for Sata to learn to tell the truth instead of gaining cheap political mileage out of the economic crisis.

But Mukanga said: “It is true although it is an issue that requires everybody. But the MPs are not seen to be in the forefront, but we are the ones who should be seen in the forefront and maybe the reason is that some media organisations do not cover parliament proceedings.”

And Kakoma, who is also Zambezi West member of parliament, said Sata should have consulted his MPs before uttering such statements.

Kakoma claimed that the country would not have been facing economic problems had the MMD government implemented what was budgeted for in the 2008 budget.

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