
Thursday, January 29, 2009

(TALKZIMBABWE) MDC should control its information outlets

MDC should control its information outlets
Prince Kahari — Opinion
Wed, 28 Jan 2009 10:15:00 +0000

DEAR EDITOR — I am puzzled by the statements coming out of the MDC this week. I think they should have a way of controlling what goes out to the media? I recently read a rebuttal of a Sadc Communiqué issued early Tuesday morning and could not believe what I was reading and the confusion it caused.

The MDC party issued a rebuttal, but did not explain to the people what transpired during the 14 hours at the Presidential Guesthouse in South Africa where the leaders met. A detailed account of what transpired, surely, should have accompanied that rebuttal.

I might not be an expert at politics, but that statement did not connect the dots for me; especially as it was unaccompanied by an explanation of why the MDC leaders sat for a gruesome 14 hours – it must have been – only to hear things they did not agree with.

We all know that President Ian Seretse Khama has been very supportive of the position of the MDC from day one. He also attended the Sadc Extraordinary Summit and his Government issued a statement saying it was supportive of the agreement to form an inclusive Government by MDC and Zanu PF. So should we think that President Khama is also lying?

The MDC should learn to control its information dissemination department, if their constituents are to continue supporting them.

I do not think the South African President is so ignorant as to announce lies and I do not think the Sadc region will issue an official communiqué “telling lies”. I also do not think Botswana would issue incorrect statements to the media as well.

I heard one respectable journalist saying on a radio programme that given the option of who to believe in this instance, he would believe George Sibotshiwe (Mr Tsvangirai's spokesman) that the MDC had not agreed to the formation of an inclusive Government. I hope he does not live to chew his words.

*Prince Kahari writes from London. He can be contacted at princekahari ****

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