
Monday, January 12, 2009

(TIMES) Farmers miss out on inputs

Farmers miss out on inputs

MORE than 700 small-scale farmers in Monze have not received their fertiliser under the fertiliser support programme (FSP) despite making down payments for the inputs.

This came to light during a meeting at the District Commissioner’s office yesterday where it was also revealed that the number of farmers that were made to pay for the inputs exceeded the allocation of the inputs to the district.

Southern Province acting agriculture co-coordinator, Adreen Nansungwe said the development was regrettable because there was no indication that there would be a second allocation of the inputs.

She said a similar development had occurred in Kalomo adding that it would be difficult to refund the farmers who may eventually not receive any inputs for the current season because the money deposited was already in Government coffers.

Dr Nansungwe pointed out that the marketing and cooperatives department and the district agriculture committee were supposed to have ensured that guidelines were followed and balance their books according to the targets and the inputs allocated to the district.

She, however, appealed to the affected farmers to remain calm as the matter would be referred to higher authorities.

Monze District Commissioner, Joyce Nondo said she was disappointed that the officers involved in the administration of the FSP did not do their work properly.

She emphasised the need for transparency and accountability in implementing the FSP saying the programme was aimed at helping vulnerable small-scale farmers to enhance output.

Acting Monze district agriculture coordinator, Justine Ngosa attributed the problem to an administrative lapse and expressed hope that the hiccup would not recur next year.

Ufwenuka Ward councillor, Tenara Mwanakalanga said in an interview earlier that, out of 38 cooperatives in his area, nine did not receive the inputs despite making payments.

The councillor called for the revision of the system of implementing the FSP in order to avoid corruption and other malpractices that would only disadvantage small-scale farmers, instead of empowering them.
Some farmers had received seed and not fertiliser.-ZANIS

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