
Thursday, January 01, 2009

Tsvangirai finds Mugabe’s proposal to appoint him as Prime Minister irregular

Tsvangirai finds Mugabe’s proposal to appoint him as Prime Minister irregular
Written by George Chellah
Thursday, January 01, 2009 7:47:42 AM

OPPOSITION MDC leader Morgan Tsvangirai has formally written to President Robert Mugabe stating that he finds the Zimbabwean leader's proposal to appoint him as Prime Minister irregular.

And Tsvangirai has written to South African President Kgalema Motlanthe requesting a confidential meeting between himself and President Mugabe so that they can iron out matters pertaining to an all inclusive government.

But when contacted, President Mugabe's spokesperson George Charamba angrily responded that in order for one to understand Tsvangirai's position, they needed to watch US Secretary of State for African Affairs Jendayi Frazer's lips.

Botswana government sources revealed to The Post yesterday that Tsvangirai gave his latest position on the matter to President Mugabe in a letter dated December 29, 2008.

The source disclosed that Tsvangirai had outlined a set of conditions to be met by President Mugabe before he could join an inclusive government .

“In the absence of the processes, I find your proposal to appoint me Prime Minister irregular. I have written in the same vein to President Mohlanthe suggesting that he convenes a confidential meeting in South Africa between you and me, under his chairmanship, so that we can iron out these matters to the satisfaction of all parties,” read Tsvangirai's letter to President Mugabe in part.

“I am sure you are anxious to proceed to the successful implementation of the Global Political Agreement (GPA), anxiety that I share, but the issues are so profound that we must act in a logical sequence. In the meantime, I hope that when parliament convenes on 20 January, 2009, all parties will support the text of the bill in accordance with the agreement.”

But when contacted, Charamba answered: “I find it very strange that a Zambian journalist is worrying about a non-issue and non-person called Tsvangirai in the same week that your brotherly government (Zambian government) has just made a huge offer to the people of Zimbabwe to open treatment centres for cholera in and around Vic Falls; an offer which also includes doctors and health personnel,” Charamba said.

“Anyway, since you seem to be so interested in the unimportant, I will give you a clue namely that…to understand Tsvangirai's position on the invitation to join the inclusive government, watch Jedayi Frazer's lips.”

Frazer recently said the US had lost confidence in the power-sharing agreement.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:43 PM

    For the sake of the Zimbabweans Mr Tsvangari needs to be flexible and make sacrifices. If he is cream he will always rise to the top no matter the circumstances, his focus should be to have those unfair sanctions removed from the Zimbabweans. The Zimabwean people have not done anything wrong to go through what they are going through. He should also be advocating for the west to use conflict resolution skills which should lead to a win win situation with President Mugabe concerning the Lanchaster agreement which Britain failed to honour and Mugabe took it in his own hands.
