
Thursday, January 08, 2009

Zambians in Diaspora call on govt to monitor remittances

Zambians in Diaspora call on govt to monitor remittances
Written by Chiwoyu Sinyangwe
Thursday, January 08, 2009 2:12:04 AM

IT is important for the government to keep track of remittances from Zambians living abroad through the Bank of Zambia (BoZ) to enable them participate in the country’s development, Zambians in the Diaspora have observed.
According to the resolutions of the 11-day e-conference held between November 14 and 24 last year, the Zambians living abroad stated that there was need for an improved policy and institutional framework for applying intellectual capital for the mutual benefit of the Diaspora and the nation.

The conference also called for making investment information available through e-government and also to incentivise investment process for Zambians abroad through tax breaks, concessions for land and other statutory provisions.

“It was also observed as important for government to keep track of remittances through BoZ mechanisms. Given such government initiatives, members of the Zambian Diaspora with resources would be highly attracted to invest,” the resolutions read in part.

And the conference observed that the participation of Zambians in the Diaspora had been hindered as they had been generally viewed in a very negative way while economic constraints sometimes prevented them from helping, as they were often at the mercy of prevailing economic conditions in their host countries.

Among the short-term solutions that were identified included the creation of more opportunities for volunteering, beyond the very few that existed through non-governmental organisations as well as creation of a governments driven Diaspora skills network linked to universities in Zambia and other areas where the government saw fit.

On the long-term measures, they proposed a focus on legislative solutions such as the push for dual citizenship and the possibility of the government introducing a Diaspora Bill in Parliament that would send a strong signal that it was serious with engaging with the Diaspora.

It was also noted that the government could not bring change alone and as such, the Zambian Diaspora should also do more.

And according to the organisers of the conference, the concept was an inspiration drawn from the off-shoot of the finance ministry’s attempt to gauge Diaspora interest in participating in national development through a draft document called the “Project Diaspora Citizenry 2008”.

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