
Friday, February 13, 2009

Govt engages consultant to review FNDP

Govt engages consultant to review FNDP
Written by Nchima Nchito
Friday, February 13, 2009 7:49:04 AM

Finance permanent secretary for the planning division Berlin Msiska on Wednesday revealed that the government has engaged an independent consultant to review the fifth national development plan (FNDP).

During a mid-term review of the FNDP hosted by the civil society for poverty reduction (CSPR), Msiska said government was committed to making the FNDP a success.

“The review process is in line with the monitoring and evaluation framework of the plan and it is our hope that the recommendations will help us draw lessons on how the FNDP shall be implemented in the remaining period of its existence,” he said.

Msiska added that the report had reached an advanced stage and would be availed to all stakeholders to elicit their input.

“Government considers this an important process because the findings from the mid-term review are expected to feed into the formulation of the sixth national development plan which like the FNDP will be one of the medium term plans by which Zambia wishes to achieve the goals of the vision 2030,” he said.

Msiska further said the initiative taken by the CSPR to conduct a mid-term review of the FNDP was commendable.

“This approach is a good demonstration of how the civil society and indeed any other stakeholder can collaborate with government in finding solutions to matters whose objective is common,” said Msiska.

And CSPR acting executive director Saul Banda said there was need for consistency in commitments and pledges that government had made.

“By not consistently reflecting these existing commitments, the FNDP may lose the opportunities to improve its pro-poor focus,” he said.

Banda also asked the government to open more space for civil society organisations to engage in policy debate as well and service delivery.

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