
Friday, February 13, 2009

(HERALD) Govt expresses support for farmers’ joint project

Govt expresses support for farmers’ joint project
Business Reporter

GOVERNMENT has said it fully supports the Union Project, which was established by the country’s three farming organisations, The Zimbabwe Farmers’ Union, Commercial Farmers’ Union and the Zimbabwe Commercial Farmers’ Union to prop up the agricultural sector.

Under the project, farmer organisations are involved in the implementation of several projects with support from the European Union and Stabex’95 funds.

The project promotes private sector participation through contract farming for crop and livestock production.

Officially launching the project in Harare yesterday, the Minister of Agricultural Engineering, Mechanisation and Irrigation, Senator Joseph Made, who is also the Acting Minister of Agriculture, commended the formation of the project.

The Union Project, he said would have far-reaching positive production impact on smallholder farmers guaranteeing national and rural household food security, jobs and incomes.

Some of the schemes receiving funding are livestock production through the provision of vaccines, rehabilitation of the Central Veterinary Laboratory for vaccine production and dip tank rehabilitation in communal areas.

"Government, through the Ministry of Agriculture, supports these projects. Government appreciates the continued support of the agricultural sector by the international community.

"Agriculture is the backbone of the Zimbabwean economy as well as the mainstay of livelihoods in the rural areas and the smallholder communal farmers," he said.

Funding is also provided for crop production, institutional capacity building and conservation agriculture.

Sen Made said the Union Project has schemes in Guruve, Karoi, Kadoma, Masvingo, Rusape, Honde Valley, Chinamhora and Murehwa where about 1 085 farmers had been engaged.

By the end of the project, more than 3 000 farmers are expected to have benefited.

With support from the Food and Agriculture Organisation, European Union, the South African and Spanish governments, the project intends to increase food security through intensive extension, training and input support.

It also aims to introduce improved land use and land management farming methods and to set up market linkages with the private sector, including contract farming and input credit schemes.

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