
Friday, February 13, 2009

(HERALD) West bent on creating chaos

West bent on creating chaos

EDITOR — I have always read and listened with scepticism to the many claims by our politicians that the Americans and the British are bent on destabilising this country for their own gain using all means possible no matter the consequences to mankind. Having heard a story recently, I have now been forced to change my mind.

On a commuter omnibus into town a few days ago, a fellow passenger told us that a certain Western embassy in Harare (name supplied) was "buying" small denomination American dollar notes from the public.

He said that if one went with US$100 in small notes of US$1 denominations, the embassy would buy them for US$150 in US$100 and US$50 notes.

At first I got the impression that there was nothing wrong with this, but after further thought I asked myself why they would want to "buy" money at such a high price.

It defies logic, or so it seems.

The West is going through a serious financial crisis at the moment, so why would they want to donate US$50 to just anyone?

Have they also run out of printing paper and machines as well to print these $1 notes that they so much require for their staff here?

In the end, my deduction was that with the problems that we are already experiencing in trying to transact using the US dollar because of the shortage of smaller denominations, they have quickly seen an opportunity to create more chaos and suffering for ordinary Zimbabweans by removing the denominations from circulation.

Consequently, sooner rather than later, we will be forced to "inflate" that currency as all transactions will naturally have to start at either $50 or $100.

And then we will be accused of devaluing the American currency.

Naturally, I would be happy if the authorities could look into this and put a stop to it.

I stand to be corrected, but the aggression of our Western brothers worldwide never ceases to amaze.

I will say without hesitation that the next time I hear the President telling us to be aggressive and united against foreign interference and invasion, I will believe him.

He knows them better.

Let us, therefore, remain united and resolute in defending our country against any form of invasion no matter the amount of suffering.

We have suffered enough so far and only God knows who truly loves us.

United we stand.

Edson Mazorodze Muza.

Glen Norah,


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