
Tuesday, February 17, 2009

(HERALD) Zanu-PF must re-organise

Zanu-PF must re-organise

EDITOR — As a patriotic Zimbabwean and ardent Zanu-PF supporter, I have found that I have to take it upon myself to point out an anomaly I am seeing within the party. Right now, the party should be re-organising itself and correcting where it has gone wrong. Instead, what we are seeing is the exact opposite. In Mashonaland West Province, the executive appears to be lackadaisical in its approach.

If one were to visit the Zanu-PF provincial headquarters in Chinhoyi right now, he or she will find many cars parked outside but will be lucky to see a single one of these with the party name, logo or slogan emblazoned on it.

It is looking as if our provincial executive is afraid to drive around in cars with the party’s name on it and yet they are happy to make a living out of Zanu-PF.

The party’s brand is becoming invisible in the province and yet we all know that many of these cars are Zanu-PF vehicles purchased with funds from our revolutionary movement and yet they are being driven around like personal property.

This is the time we should all be battling to rebuild and revitalise the party but the leadership is acting as if it is in hiding.

Some of us have raised this issue in our District Coordinating Committee meetings but it seems this only serves to ruffle feathers with no action being taken subsequently.

They are starting to give the impression that Zanu-PF does not have a presence within His Excellency President Robert Mugabe’s home province.

I am appealing to Cde John Mafa and his entire executive to do something about this before the Province hosts the 21st February Movement celebrations.

Our plea as the party’s loyal youths is for our elders to act in the interests of the party.

They are the ones who are making a living out of the party name yet they do not want to wear its colours or drive cars with its name on it.

We are just ordinary youths who do not make a living directly from the party, but we seem more concerned about the party than these people are.

General Bernard.


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