
Friday, February 27, 2009

I’ll ensure The Post is closed – Rupiah

I’ll ensure The Post is closed – Rupiah
Written by Katwishi Bwalya
Friday, February 27, 2009 9:10:41 AM

PRESIDENT Rupiah Banda yesterday vowed to ensure that The Post is closed by the huge debt that the paper owes various institutions.

And the visibly annoyed President Banda told cadres that he had fired science and technology deputy minister Jonas Shakafuswa and energy deputy minister Lameck Chibombamilimo from their positions for saying what he described as nonsense about him and the MMD.

Addressing scores of MMD cadres who marched to State House to express their solidarity with him, President Banda said time had come for MMD members to be vigilant and defend the peace the country was enjoying and face The Post head-on.

President Banda claimed that The Post owed the Zambian people US$30 million in unpaid tax to the government, which he said needed to be paid back.

He said he was not there when Post editor Fred M'membe and his partners decided to set up an airline and when they decided to borrow money from the financial institutions.

"I was not there when they went to the banks to borrow money because I have only been President for three months. I was not even there when they were using that money, they should not accuse me, but as long as I am the President of this country I will ensure that they pay back the money which belongs to the Zambian people," President Banda said. "I will ensure that they close down by the debt they owe the Zambia people, if they don't pay back soon. I will not be compelled or be forced by some queer people, and underline the word ‘queer’... I will not move against the press because they have a major role to play in the development of this country. But some media organisation wants to control this government.

"They should forgive me for wanting the money back and I didn't press state institutions to lend them money. They have failed to run the airline which they had set up on their own, now that I am President, I need the US$30 million back which Mr M'membe and his colleagues owe the government. In that money, we could build hospitals, roads and many other things."

President Banda charged that he decided to fire former finance minister Ng'andu Magande because he [President Banda] had documents to show that the former finance minister had intentions to let The Post get away with the money.

"They [The Post] started attacking me even before I became presidential candidate for the MMD, and when I became candidate for the MMD, they continued attacking me up to now. I decided to fire Magande, who was their preferred candidate and you rejected him [Magande], because I have documents that he [Magande] wanted them [The Post] to go Scot-free with the money they owe the Zambian people, that's why I fired Magande," President Banda said.

He urged The Post to choose between being a newspaper and becoming a political party.

President Banda advised MMD members to be vigilant and wait for instructions.

"We don't run a jungle government and I have been quiet for too long but this is the time to be vigilant and face them [The Post] head-on." President Banda said. "As long as I continue to be the President of this country I will ensure that The Post pays back the debt they owe the Zambian people.

He said now that party members had decided to see him at State House after being elected party acting President, he had decided to institute discipline both in the party and the government.

"Before going to bed last night, the deputy national secretary [Jeff Kaande] called me, saying the party members wanted to see me, but I refused that, ‘why can't we do it some other time because of the busy schedule that I have’. He insisted that ‘no Mr. President, the members really want to see you'. Now that I have seen you, I am deeply touched by your support. Now that I have seen you, I have made up my mind on how to institute discipline both in the party and the government."

President Banda wondered why M'membe was not paying tax to the government.

He also wondered why M'membe invited civil society organisations to audit Zambian Airways now when he could have done it earlier.

He also wondered why The Post continuously called the government corrupt and yet the diplomatic missions in the country had not complained about corruption.

"We have so many countries that we enjoy cordial relationships with and they have diplomatic missions in this country, but they have not seen things and have not condemned us," President Banda said. "When I received a letter from the Chief Justice to set up the tribunal against our communications and transport minister, I did not hesitate and I approved the letter that money be found to look into the issues raised."

He said the relationship between Patriotic Front (PF) leader Michael Sata and M'membe was disgracing.

"I have known Mr Sata for a long time and I took him as a good friend of mine, but he decided to challenge my elections in court and I have lawyers who are dealing with that issue. This is all because I did not know that Mr Sata was a snake and their ‘marriage’ with M'membe is disgracing," President Banda.

He said The Post had even gone to the extent of singling out some ministers of being the only good people in the MMD government.

And President Banda told cadres that there were some bad eggs in the MMD and government and that very soon he would get rid of them as the cadres shouted: "Shakafuswa."

At this point, President Banda then said: "Yes, in fact I have fired him [Shakafuswa]," as the crowd applauded.

"In fact, I am firing Shakafuswa and Chibombamilimo from their position. And I will this afternoon be sending them letters informing them of my decision. Let them go and look for a job at The Post if they are good ministers," he said.

President Banda said he would also ensure that parliamentarians that were not loyal to the party were expelled.

He said some ministers were even being praised by The Post as good ministers, adding that those that were good ministers for The Post could not be good ministers in his government.

"Even those MPs on the MMD ticket who are not loyal to the party I will take them to the NEC [national executive committee] so that even from there I will chuck them out and I will swallow them during by-elections in their constituencies," he said.

President Banda warned people that would continue to say what he called nonsense that he would ensure that they were hounded out of the party and that he would ensure that he followed and defeated them in their constituencies.

He asked Shakafuswa and Chibombamilimo to contest their parliamentary seats either on The Post or PF tickets.

"Even there I will follow them and when they contest I will swallow them," he said.

And soon after President Banda concluded his address, the cadres went on rampage looking out for any reporters from The Post.

The cadres approached a group of journalists and asked if there were any reporters from The Post.

"Ali kuti wa ku Post timumenye manje, [Is there anyone from The Post so we can beat them up]," the cadres asked the journalists.

Earlier, MMD Lusaka Province acting chairperson Cleophas Chimembe urged opposition leaders to give respect to President Banda.

"While we appreciate and embrace freedom of expression, let us all remind ourselves that this freedom is not absolute. Freedom is always relative. There has never been absolute freedom. Absolute freedom is for dictators and not democratically elected leaders," he said.

Chimembe said the party would not sit idle and watch President Banda's administration being insulted and ridiculed by people with ‘hazy’ backgrounds.

"We condemn the continued trials being perpetuated by some sections of the press by persons of a dubious nature who have appointed themselves prosecutor, jury and judge.

We now understand why there has been a consistent leakage of government official documents meant to protect these crooked characters," Chimembe said.

He urged Attorney General Mumba Malila to come clean on the issue of RP Capital Partners, so that Zambians could know the truth instead of the lies being peddled by some sections of the media, with selfish interests.

"It is desperation of the worst order and a pipedream to ask and expect our President to resign. To those who are making these demands, we say dream on as you will never be President because you will also be trounced in 2011," Chimembe said. "The personal attacks on our leadership shall not destroy or tamper with our resolve to fulfill our campaign promises and make this country even a much better place to live."

Later, on their way from State House, the cadres in buses drove past The Post offices in Lusaka's Rhodes Park area, shouting that they would close the institution.

The Post reported the threats to the police, who later visited the newspaper premises to check on the situation.

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