
Saturday, February 14, 2009

(LUSAKATIMES) President Banda foreign missions key,RB

President Banda foreign missions key,RB
February 14, 2009

President, Rupiah Banda, says government will make effective use of foreign missions abroad to strengthen bilateral relations with other countries in view of the immense challenges resulting from the current global economic recession.

President Banda has since advised Minister of Foreign Affairs, Kabinga Pande, to ensure full utilisation of the existing ‘open-door policy’ in efforts of strengthening bilateral ties for the economic benefit of the country.

“We are in the midst of a world financial melt-down which has not spared developed and developing countries, therefore I appeal to you Excellencies to continue supporting Zambia and working closely with my government to addressing the adverse effects of melt-down on our people,” President Banda said.

He said the ministry of foreign affairs should double its efforts in creating a platform for enhanced interaction of diplomats with the government to help address challenges affecting national economic development.

The President was speaking at State House today at a private reception organised for heads of foreign missions in Zambia.

“I implore the Minister of Foreign Affairs and his team to double their efforts in making sure that Ambassadors and High Commissioners accredited were not hampered but interact freely with relevant wings of government,” he said.

” Your Excellencies, you will recall that during my budget speech to parliament last month, my administration spelt out what we intend to achieve during my tenure of office and my government appreciates that we cannot achieve all the set goals without your support hence my government attaches great importance with other countries,” he said.

He appealed to Ambassadors and High Commissioners accredited to Zambia to partner with government in efforts of reducing the negative effects of the global economic crunch on the Zambian economy.

President Banda said his government appreciates the support from cooperating partners in efforts of achieving economic growth through enhanced investment and trade.

In a vote of thanks, Dean of Diplomatic Corps Khalifa O’mar Swiexi commended President Banda for showing commitment to further strengthen Zambia’s relations with other countries.

Mr. Swiexi, who is also Libyan Ambassador to Zambia, expressed confidence that President Banda would use his vast experience in diplomacy to better the Zambia’s bilateral ties for the economic benefit of the people.

Foreign Affairs Minister, Kabinga Pande, said plans are underway by the Zambian government to open more missions abroad.

He said strengthening bilateral ties can be achieved if the Ministry of Foreign Affairs doubles its efforts in making sure that diplomatics interact freely with wings of government by way of easing barriers that impede the progression of the economy of Zambia.

Mr. Banda implored the Minister of Foreign Affairs Kabinga Pande to make sure that government removes barriers that may hinder the fully utilisation of strengthening interactions between Zambia and other countries.

He said government appreciated the support of the corporating partners to achieve the intended goals so that Zambia becomes a safe region and a better place to for conducting trade and attracting investment opportunities.

He noted that Zambia enjoys warm and cordial relationship with other countries hence Zambia’s call to strengthening her ties abroad.

President Banda further called for increased co-operation between Zambia and other countries adding that government attaches great importance with other countries.


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