
Wednesday, February 04, 2009

LuSE makes progress on creation of alternative exchange market

LuSE makes progress on creation of alternative exchange market
Written by Nchima Nchito
Wednesday, February 04, 2009 11:07:28 AM

LUSAKA Stock Exchange general manager Beatrice Nkanza yesterday revealed that progress has been made on the establishment of an alternative market on the exchange.

Responding to a press query, Nkanza said deliberations were being held with various stakeholders to find a way forward regarding the establishment of an alternative exchange for small and medium enterprises (SMEs).

“With respect to this matter, we had our first stakeholder meeting in December where we addressed the member organisations whose members we would be targeting,” she said.

Nkanza revealed that the next stage was to address prospective companies directly with meetings being planned for Kitwe, Livingstone and Chipata.

“The purpose of these meetings is to interact with them and walk through the listing requirements,” said Nkanza

“The only new item on the SME listing requirement is the engagement of the designated advisor. This is really where the difference is from the current listing requirements for other companies not in the SME category.”

Lusaka Stock Exchange (LuSE) in the recent past announced intentions for the establishment of an alternative market for listing of small and medium enterprises to help them find alternative funding to expand their operations. This is in view of the recognition that SMEs had a vital role to play in the growth of the economy.

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